them & myself. The crime alledged against us was that we
had taught that Christ would come in this generation & that
we said some individuals would receieve the Holy Ghost
in 24 hours but as I was absent myself I was not taken
but Elders Patten & Parrish was taken by an armd company
say 50 in number they were bound under $2000.00
dollars bond for their appearence at court Brothers Seth Utley & Albert Petty was their bondsman
on Tuesday following they appeared at court to plead
their own cause like St. Paul But they were depri
ved of every Privilege that both the law of God
& man warrents them Elder Parish Pled his own
cause in some degree but no evidence or lawful
hearing was not granted them & the judges decided
this mock trial to suit the ungodly rabble & condemned
them without any cause of Guilt found in them &
after condemming they let them go clear But the
ungodly mob desired to beat them before they left
but they were not permited. O, thou God of Israel
stretch fourth thy hand & save thy Saints. O,
America hide thy face in shame & disgrace as the day
dawns While thy sons stab liberty to the heart
by persecuting beating & Puting the LATTER DAY
SAINTS to death for worshiping God after the
dictates of their own conscience for thou wast
built upon the Pillars of freedom. Rode from Col Copelands to Br Tailors distance of the day 10 miles
[sideways text]
^They were taken June 19, & tried June 22nd 1836^
[end of sideways text]
~ Wednesday
20 Rode to Br Linzy Braidy's distance of the day 20 miles
them & myself. The crime alledged against us was that we
had taught that Christ would come in this generation & that
we said some individuals would receieve the Holy Ghost
in 24 hours but as I was absent myself I was not taken
but Elders Patten & Parrish was taken by an armd company
say 50 in number they were bound under $2000.00
dollars bond for their appearence at court Brothers
Seth Utley & Albert Petty was their bondsman
on Tuesday following they appeared at court to plead
their own cause like St. Paul But they were depri
ved of every Privilege that both the law of God
& man Warrents them Elder Parish Pled his own
cause in some degree but no evidence or lawful
hearing was not granted them & the judges decided
this mock trial to suit the ungodly rabble & condemned
them without any cause of Guilt found in them &
after condemming they let them go clear But the
ungodly mob desired to beat them before they left
but they were not Permited. O. thou God of Israel
stretch fourth thy hand & save thy Saints O.
America hide thy face in shame & disgrace as the day
dawns While thy Sons stab liberty to the heart
by Persecuting beating & Puting the LATTER DAY
SAINTS to death for worshiping God after the
dictates of their own conscience for thou wast
built upon the Pillars of freedom. Rode from Col
Copelands to Br Tailors distance of the day 10 miles
sideways text They were taken June 19, & tried June 22nd 1836 end of sideways text
~ Wednesday
20 Rode to Br Linzy Braidy's distance of the day 20 miles
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," July 19, 1836 - July 27, 1836, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025,