Spoke of the greatness of the work
in which we, as Elders in Israel,
were engaged. Those who were
taking a part in carrying forward
the kingdom of God, were ordained
before the creation of the world to
accomplish this work. There never
was a time when the Saints were
so much united in carrying out the
purposes of God as now. We should
go to work and build Temples that
the work of salvation for our dead
might go on. It took just as much
to save a dead man as a living one.
The judgments of God awaited
the wicked, all heaven was watch-
ing our movements. They were
not perfect without us nor we with-
out them. It was the kingdom of
God or nothing. If this kingdom
did not prosper, neither did we.
We all had a right to the gifts of
the gospel. Zion would prevail,
Zion would arise and put on her
beautiful garments. No one need
have any fears about this kingdom;
every revelation pertaining to its
building up would be fulfilled to
the very letter. We had every-
thing to encourage us. We should
pay our tithing and offerings and
attend to every known duty and
God would be with us henceforth
and for ever.
gave an interesting account of the
labors performed in the St. George
Temple from the time of its dedica-
tion until he left.
He said he would rejoice exceed-
ingly to see the time when the Tem-
ple in this city and Logan would
be completed, so that the saints in
this section of country might have
an opportunity of attending to
their baptisms, ordinations for
themselves and their dead, with-
out the necessity of traveling so
great a distance as they now had
to do, to St. George. The work in
the Temple there, would be resum-
ed on the 20th of this month.