He was much delighted with his travels in India He has expended
some seventy Thousand Dollars in his Travels. He fitted up a
fine ship which cost $7000 in the Deceration of his state room
He was Arested by the Dutch his ship siezed, and He was imp-
risioned for about one year & a half sentenced to death his ship
sold all without any Just cause or provication He escaped from Prision through the help of some Malays. while in Prision He
had a Dream which showed him his Escape, his return to
the United States, his visit to Utah & Dreamed that some saints
returned with him to the Malays Islands. And He is now
Here & has Embraced the Gospel. He said he went through Mexico in 1847 & [184]8. And when the U. S. Government sent an
armeyy to Utah to war with the Mormons He laboured vary
diligently to get the Administration to send Peace commissioners
to Utah at first He could make no impression upon members
of Congress or the President at last they consented to the propo-
sition He was one of the first men named and finally there
were some Dozen Applicants and at last as the president
wished to make as much out of offices as he could sent Powel From Kentucky & MCCullock of Texas two of the worst men that
was offered. Capt Gibson conversed upon several other subj[ec]ts
The Express came in & Brother Stenhouse got sum papers & Red his correspondence in the Herrald. TBrother Giles the Blind man
called in & played upon his Harp for two hours I gave him
$2 for his music
~ Tuesday
17 We got papers to 22nd Dec From St Louis giving an Account of
the Hanging of the four men at Charlestown V.a. 2 got out
the night before were retaken & hung The house of Congress was
not Organized at the 21 Dec I spent the day in the office Journalizing
I spent the evening at Brother J Horns several of the Twelve
were present O. PrattJ. TaylorF D. RichardsL. Snow & W Woodruff
& A. O. Smoot Mayor The evening was spent in speeches & songs
we went home about Midnight
~ Wednesday
18th I spent the day in the office. I met with the Board of Directors
of the D. A & M. Society till 10 oclok I was Appointed in connexi[on]
with Lorenzo Young & President Edward Hunter to meet with the
Joint Assembly of the Legislature to ur[g]e the members to assist us
to form Branch sosciet[i]es throughout the Territory
16 1860
He was much delighted with his travels in India. He has expended
some seventy Thousand Dollars in his Travels. He fitted up a
fine ship which cost $7000 in the Deceration of his state room
He was Arested by the Dutch his ship siezed, and He was imprisioned for about one year & a half sentenced to death his ship
sold all without any Just cause or provication He escaped from
Prision through the help of some Malays. while in Prision He
had a Dream which showed him his Escape, his return to
the United States, his visit to Utah & Dreamed that some saints
returned with him to the Malays Islands, And He is now
Here & has Embraced the Gospel. He said he went through
Mexico in 1847 & 8. And when the U.S. Government sent an
army to Utah to war with the Mormons He laboured vary
diligently to get the Administration to send Peace commissioners
to Utah at first He could make no impression upon members
of Congress or the President at last they consented to the proposition He was one of the first men named and finally there
were some Dozen Applicants and at last as the president
wished to make as much out of office as he could sent Powel From
kentucky & MCCullock of Texas two of the worst men that
was offered. Capt Gibson conversed upon several other subjects
The Express came in & Brother Stenhouse got sum papers &
Red his correspondence in the Herrald.Brother Giles the Blind man
called in & Played upon his Harp for two hours I gave him
$2 for his music
~ Tuesday
17 We got papers to 22nd Dec From St Louis giving an Account of
the Hanging of the four men at Charlestown V.a. 2 got out
the night before were retaken & hung. The house of Congress was
not Organized at the 21 Dec I spent the day in the office Journalizing
I spent the evening at Brother J Horns several of the Twelve
were present O. PrattJ. TaylorF D. RichardsL. Snow & W Woodruff
& A. O. Smoot Mayor. The evening was spent in speeches & songs
we went home about Midnight
~ Wednesday
18th I spent the day in the office. I met with the Board of Directors
of the D. A & M. Society till 10 oclok I was Appointed in connexion
with Lorenzo Young & President Edward Hunter to meet with the
Joint Assembly of the Legislature to urge the members to assist us
to form Branch Societies throughout the Territory
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 16, 1860 - January 18, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 19, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/RgQq