JAN 1st 1861
This is the commencement of another new Year and of a vary
important year. Joseph Smith the pProphet said whoever lived to
see 1860 would live to see the foundation laid for some most awful
bloody wars and whoever lived to see those two figgures come together
1866 would live to see a day when the Earth would be deluged in blood
in many places & wthere would be such awful distress & calamity that
it would be a vexation to hear the report of it. We may prepare
ourselves for an awful time in the United States The hand writing has
been seen upon the wall And our Nations is doomed to diestruction
the United States will be visited this year with much affliction
more than they have ever seen since they have been a Free Govern[men]t
and it will increase yearly untill they are destroyed. they are like
the ox going to the slaughter they know not the day of their visitation
The Judgments of God await them because of their wickedness and
while we are looking for the judgments of God to rest upon the
United States & Great Babylon at large let us turn our Eyes towards
Zion in these vallies of the Mountains and ask what state are the
people in are they righteous & keeping the commandments of God
and preparing themselves for the great things of God which await
them or are they lying, stealing, swareing, & mingling with the
drunken yes many of those who are calling themselves
Saints are doing these things and they have great need to repent
before the Lord, or they will dBe damned & the Judgments of
God will rest upon them
^Missisippi Convention voted to csecede from the Union Jan 9, 1861 Yeas 84 Nays 15 Georgia seceded Jan 10th 1861, yeas 208 Nays 89 Florida sedceded Jan 10th [1861] signed 11th Yeas 62 Nays 7. Alabama seceded Jan 101 [1861] Yeas 61, Nays 39 Louisaniana seceded Jan 26 [1861] Yeas 113 Nays 17 Texas seceded Feb 1, 1861 Yeas 156 Nays 7^
JAN 1st 1861
This is the commencement of another new Year and of a vary
important year. Joseph Smith the Prophet said whoever lived to
see 1860 would live to see the foundation laid for some most awful
bloody wars and whoever lived to see those two figures come together
1866 would live to see a day when the Earth would be deluged in blood
in many places &there would be such awful distress & calamity that
it would be a vexation to hear the report of it. We may prepare
ourselves for an awful time in the United States. The hand writing has
been seen upon the wall And our Nation is doomed to destruction
the United States will be visited this year with much affliction
more than they have ever seen since they have been a Free Government
and it will increase yearly untill they are destroyed. they are like
the Ox going to the slaughter they know not the day of their visitation
The Judgments of God await them because of their wickedness and
while we are looking for the judgments of God to rest upon the
United States & Great Babylon at large let us turn our Eyes towards
Zion in these vallies of the Mountains and ask what state are the
people in are they righteous & keeping the commandments of God
and preparing themselves for the great things of God which await
them or are they lying, stealing, swareing, & mingling with the
drunken yes many of those who are calling themselves
Saints are doing these things and they have great need to repent
before the Lord. or they will Be damned & the Judgments of
God will rest upon them
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 1, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/GZmJ