the Lord than to have ever so much knowledge & permit that knowledge
to lead us to destruction. There are but few men upon Earth upon
whom God has bestowed such gifts, qualifications and reasoning
powers as he has upon you, and he will hold you responsible for
the use you make of them, and you should not make a wreck of your
salvation for contending for things which you do not understand
and I do feel at this advanced state of the Church, and late day
and with the information which you possess that neither you
nor your Brethren ought to be troubled with Fals doctrin Neither
should you cause your Brethren to listen to such a scene of things
as we have herd to night or to insult the president of this Church
as you have done. although you are unbending in your will to night
the day is not far distant when you will be glad to bend
to the president of this Chiurch and make reconciliation.
Erastus Snow Followed and backed up the Testimony of those
who have spoaken
Orson Hyde spoke upon the subject and said Brother Pratt had
not got the spirit of God. He was followed By C. C. Rich who
backed up the Testimony of the Twelve isn saying that Orson
Pratt was wrong. E. T. Benson spoke upon the same subject
and said if Brother Pratt had the confidence in President
Young which he ought to have he would Feel diferent if he had
the confidence in his Brethren which he should have I know He
would feel different
President Young said I will tell you how I got along with Joseph I found out that God called Joseph to be a prophet
I did not do it. I then said I will leave the Prophet in the hands of that God who called and ordained him to be a propht
He is not responsible to me and it is none of my business
what He does it is for me to follow & obey him. I wonce was ash
amed of one thing which I did while in Missouri in Zions Camp
I got a revelation that God excepted our offering I had the same
thing revealed to me twice & that we should not go into Jackson Co.
I named this to some of the Brethren a day or two before Joseph
got a Revelation upon the same subject I felt ashamed that
I named it first. I knew whare we were going and I now
know that when we go to Jackson County we shall go from the west
27th 1860
the Lord than to have ever so much knowledge & permit that knowledge
to lead us to destruction. There are but few men upon Earth upon
whom God has bestowed such gifts, qualifications and reasoning
powers as he has upon you, and he will hold you responsible for
the use you make of them, and you should not make a wreck of your
salvation for contending for things which you do not understand
and I do feel at this advanced state of the Church, and late day
and with the information which you possess that neither you
nor your Brethren ought to be troubled with Fals doctrin Neither
should you cause your Brethren to listen to such a scene of things
as we have herd to night or to insult the president of this Church
as you have done, although you are unbending in your will to night
the day is not far distant when you will be glad to bend
to the president of this Church and make reconciliation.
Erastus Snow Followed and backed up the Testimony of those
who have spoaken
Orson Hyde Spoke upon the subject and said Brother Pratt had
not got the spirit of God. He was followed By C. C. Rich who
backed up the Testimony of the Twelve in saying that Orson
Pratt was wrong. E. T. Benson spoke upon the same subject
and said if Brother Pratt had the confidence in President
Young which he ought to have he would Feel diferent if he had
the confidence in his Brethren which he should have I know He
would feel different
President Young said I will tell you how I got along with
Joseph I found out that God called Joseph to be a Prophet
I did not do it, I then said I will leave the Prophet in the
hands of that God who called and ordained him to be a Prophet
He is not responsible to me and it is none of my business
what He does it is for me to follow & obey him. Ionce was ash
amed of one thing which I did while in Missouri in Zions Camp
I got a revelation that God excepted our offering I had the same
thing revealed to me twice & that we should not go into Jackson Co.
I named this to some of the Brethren a day or two before Joseph
got a Revelation upon the same subject I felt ashamed that
I named it first, I knew whare we were going and I now
know that when we go to Jackson County we shall go from the west
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"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 27, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025,