Home unto Zion in the Mountains of Israel For therse things
O our Father we feel to praise thy Holy Name. Thou hast made us many
promises thruugh the mouth of thy servant Moses, and through many
of the ancient Prophets and Apostles who by inspiration and revelation
saw our day. Thou hast also made us many promises through the mouth
of thy servant Joseph whom thou hast raised up to lay the foundation
of thy Church and Kingdom in this last dispensation, and who has sealed
his testimony with his own blood. Thou hast also commanded us to
ask the Father in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ for all blessings prom-
ised onto us. Therefore O Our Father, we come before thee for this
purpose Thou hast commanded us O Our God through the mouth of thy
servant Joseph Smith the Prophet, that whenever any Nation or
people or house or individual rejects us or our testimony of Jesus
Christ or his gospel we should go alone by ourselves and clenanse our
feet with water pure water whether in heat or in cold and bear
testimony against that Nation, or man, or house, or people before thee
our Father and thy Son Jesus Christ and the Heavenly hosts [Doctrine and Covenants 84:92] Now our Father
who art in heaven we bear bear testimony unto thee that from the
hour that Moroni gave into the hands of thy servant Joseph the sacred
record from the hill Cumorah wicked and ungodly men sought his life
and continued to persecute him up to the hour of his death and
finally shed his Blood and martered him with his Brother Hyram
in Carthage Jail for the word of God & Testimony of Jesus Christ and
the wicked of this Nation have continued to persecute thy servants
from th time to time, untill the present hour [Joseph Smith—History 1:59-61] [Doctrine and Covenants 135:1-2]. The wicked of this Nation have
driven thy people from town to town from state to state and finally driven
them from the Nation into the wilderness, into these Mountains of Irsrael
and now our Enemies are not satisfied because we still live and prosper
Home unto Zion in the Mountains of Israel For these things
O our Father we feel to praise thy Holy Name. Thou hast made us many
promises through the mouth of thy servant Moses, and through many
of the ancient Prophets and Apostles who by inspiration and revelation
saw our day. Thou hast also made us many promises through the mouth
of thy servant Joseph whom thou hast raised up to lay the foundation
of thy Church and Kingdom in this last dispensation, and who has sealed
his testimony with his own blood. Thou hast also commanded us to
ask the Father in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ for all blessings promised onto us. There fore O Our Father, we come before thee for this
purpose Thou hast commanded us O Our God through the mouth of thy
Servant Joseph Smith the Prophet, that whenever any Nation or
people or house or individual rejects us or our testimony of Jesus
Christ or his gospel we should go alone by ourselves and cleanse our
feet with water pure water whether in heat or in cold and bear
testimony against that Nation, or man, or house, or people before thee
our Father and thy Son Jesus Christ and the Heavenly hosts Now our Father
who art in heaven weear bear testimony unto thee that from the
hour that Moroni gave into the hands of thy servant Joseph the sacred
Record from the hill Cumorah wicked and ungodly men sought his life
and continued to persecute him up to the hour of his death and
finally shed his Blood and martered him with his Brother Hyram
in Carthage Jail for the word of God & Testimony of Jesus Christ and
the wicked of this Nation have continued to persecute thy servants
from time to time, untill the present hour. The wicked of this Nation have
driven thy people from town to town from state to state and finally driven
them from the Nation into the wilderness, into these Mountains of Israel
and now our Enemies are not satisfied because we still live and prosper
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"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 31, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/46Z1