Asking Big Questions: Why Should I Pay Tithing?

by Maddie Christensen

Big Questions

Sometimes paying a full tithe is overwhelming. With so many expenses mounting and the cost of living ever increasing, it can be daunting to give up 10% of our income. Even though we know that tithing is a commandment, recognizing why we should follow it can be difficult. 

Asking Big Questions: Why Do We Need a Living Prophet?

by Lyndie Jackson

Big Questions

Conflicts and differing opinions surround us in this world. All voices—good and bad—are amplified through social and mass media. Thankfully, the Lord has given us a voice that we can and should listen to above all others: the voice of living prophets. 

Asking Big Questions: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

by Maddie Christensen

Big Questions

In a world full of natural disasters, instability, wars, and conflicts, many people wonder why terrible things continue to happen. It feels like we are constantly being bombarded with bad news, heartache, and grief. Through our time here on Earth, we will go through various trials and tribulations that can be hard to understand. So, why do bad things happen to people who are trying to do good? There are three main reasons: 

Asking Big Questions: How Do I Help Those Going through a Faith Crisis While Staying Strong in My Testimony?

by Lyndie Jackson

Big Questions

Isaiah foresaw a time when good would be called evil and evil would be called good. We live in the time he saw—a time when noisy opinions conflict with what we know to be true. Most of us know someone who currently struggles or has struggled with these conflicting ideas, and as disciples of Jesus Christ, we can help them.

Asking Big Questions: Why Is Going to Church Important?

by Lyndie Jackson

Big Questions

Saturdays and Sundays are safeguarded days for most people. Between school, work and other activities, our weeks get hectic and weekends are reserved for relaxing with family and friends and accomplishing tasks that could not be finished during the week. But faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, along with members of other religions, carve out time during their weekends to attend church meetings.

Asking Big Questions: How Do I Deal with Questions I Don’t Have the Answers To?

by Craig Lindquist

Big Questions

Have you ever felt that the proverbial “windows of heaven” are too often fastened tightly shut for you? You would not be alone, as most of us have. Assuming that they are not shut because of serious misdeeds, what do we do when we need the revelation that flows through those windows but cannot get it? There is no easy answer. Even after much prayer, fasting, studying the scriptures, or conversations with priesthood leaders, answers can still be hard to find. Nevertheless, in our own struggle we can gain much understanding and appreciation for others who also search for answers from above.

Asking Big Questions: How Can I Make the Repentance Process Less Intimidating?

by Craig Lindquist

Big Questions

A friend recently asked about my thoughts on making repentance less intimidating. My immediate answer was, “Well, perhaps we should get President Nelson to stop using the words ‘daily’ and ‘repentance’ in the same sentence!”1 We both had a chuckle, but while pondering his question, I recalled my first experience with repentance. It was both challenging and liberating.

Asking Big Questions: How Can I Develop a Stronger Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ?

by Lyndie Jackson

Big Questions

While it is relatively easy to stay in contact and communicate with people across the globe, creating and maintaining deep personal relationships takes time and effort. Similarly, the Savior is always close to us, waiting for us with open arms, but it takes more than checking in now and then to develop a deep personal relationship with Him.

Asking Big Questions: How Can I Recognize the Spirit?

by Maddie Christensen

Big Questions

In today’s tumultuous world it can be difficult to make decisions and know what is right. As Latter-day Saints, we have the gift of the Holy Ghost to help us. Through the Holy Ghost, we can know the truth of all things (Moroni 10:5).

Asking Big Questions: How Can I Find and Evaluate Sources of Truth?

by Craig Lindquist

Big Questions

We live in a day of confusion, even chaos. The world over, people are searching for truth on a host of subjects—but how can anyone know? It is not an easy search. Who do we trust? Where do we look? How do we know if something is in fact true? If the subject we seek to verify is purely secular, such as historical or even mathematical information, the search for the truth can be fairly easy given today’s technology.