"He Shall Rise … with Healing in His Wings”

by Scott Hansen

Come, Follow Me

Each year, the coming of spring connotes a time of rebirth. Snow melts, plants grow, and flowers bloom. It’s no coincidence that we celebrate the rebirth of our Savior during the spring.

"The Doctrine of Christ”

by Kamryn Maughan

Come, Follow Me

Powerful teachers of the doctrine of Christ are found all throughout the Book of Mormon. Nephi is no exception, and this week in Come, Follow Me, we have the privilege of studying his teachings on the gospel. 

“A Marvelous Work and a Wonder”

by Michelle Pack

Come, Follow Me

As any full-time missionary can attest, talking to everyone is part of the calling as a servant of God. It doesn’t matter if a person is rich or poor, lives in a nice house in a large city or a small hut in the jungle, is literate or illiterate—Christ wants all to come to Him. Why?

“We Talk of Christ”

by Lyndie Jackson

Come, Follow Me

As a new mother, it’s sometimes scary to think about raising my children to be strong disciples of Jesus Christ. I often wonder how I can possibly teach them everything they will need to know to navigate an increasingly confusing world. 

Asking Big Questions: Why Should I Pay Tithing?

by Maddie Christensen

Big Questions

Sometimes paying a full tithe is overwhelming. With so many expenses mounting and the cost of living ever increasing, it can be daunting to give up 10% of our income. Even though we know that tithing is a commandment, recognizing why we should follow it can be difficult. 

Volunteer Spotlight: Peggy Chappell

by Lyndie Jackson

Volunteer Spotlights

Miraculous—that’s how Peggy Chappell describes the gifts of Wilford Woodruff. “I have always loved Church history and have learned that our knowledge of many of the details of our Church’s history exists only because Wilford Woodruff kept a meticulous journal and had the wonderful gift of being able to remember entire sermons until they were recorded,” she notes.

"The Prince of Peace”

by Craig Lindquist

Come, Follow Me

The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.” These powerful words adorning the front covers of this book are a declaration of what we will find within its pages and a profound testimony that Jesus is indeed the Christ, all before we even open the book.

“O How Great the Plan of Our God”

by Michelle Pack

Come, Follow Me

In 2 Nephi 9, the Book of Mormon prophet Jacob explained the plan of salvation, central to which is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. In verse 7 he called it the “infinite atonement.” The word “infinite” brings up the idea of something that has no limits, that is too great to count, like the sands of the sea—something that can never end.

Asking Big Questions: Why Do We Need a Living Prophet?

by Lyndie Jackson

Big Questions

Conflicts and differing opinions surround us in this world. All voices—good and bad—are amplified through social and mass media. Thankfully, the Lord has given us a voice that we can and should listen to above all others: the voice of living prophets. 

“After the Manner of Happiness”

by Lyndie Jackson

Come, Follow Me

After the Nephites separated from the Lamanites, they built a temple and lived the commandments of the Lord. They preached and learned the gospel of Jesus Christ together, and 2 Nephi 5:27 states it simply: “We lived after the manner of happiness.”