Wilford Woodruff, March 1866, Salt Lake City, Utah

Wilford Woodruff

Description Oil painting of Wilford Woodruff by Enoch Wood Perry, Jr.
Date March 26, 1866
Artist or Photographer Enoch Wood Perry, Jr.
Location Salt Lake City, Utah
Journal Reference March 19, 1866 I then sat for an Ambrotye likeness for Mr Perry to paint from. March 24, 1866 I set for my portrait with Mr. Perry March 26, 1866 I sat for my portrait.
Identification of Image LDS 55-1775 and copy in PH 6821
Source of Image https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org/assets/12243fd8-741b-4e6e-a133-edbf81d46c57/0/4
Notes Courtesy of the Church History Museum, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints