Day in the Life

Jan 2, 1834

Journal Entry

January 02, 1834 ~ Thursday
Jan.ry. 1834 Brother Pulsipher es^s^tablish
ed a branch of the Church of Christ in
Richland Oswego Co. N. Y. containing
twelve members. He ordained Brother
Azmon Woodruff & Brother Noah
Holton Elders and myself a teacher in
the Church of Christ I truly felt that
I could exclaim with the servant of
that it was better to be a door
keeper in the house of God than to
dwell in the tents of wickedness [Psalms 84:10] I felt
much of the spirit of God bearing witness

To the Book of Mormon. I believed
it was light out of darkness and truth
out of the ground. [Psalms 85:11] The license which
I receieved reads thus.

A power and authority
given to Willford Woodruff provi
ng that he is a Teacher in the Church
of Christ by the will of God the Father
accordind to his holy calling and
the gift ^& power^ of the Holy ghost agreeable
to the Revelations of Jesus Christ
signifying that he has been baptized
and receieved into the Church according
to the articles and covenants of the
same and ordained under the hand
of Zerah Pulsipher

Given at Richland Janry 2nd AD 183[4]
Zerah Pulsipher


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Pulsipher, Zerah
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872


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I truly felt that I could exclaim with the servant of God that it was better to be a door keeper in the house of God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness
~ Wilford Woodruff
I truly felt that I could exclaim with the servant of God that it was better to be a door keeper in the house of God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

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Mission - Church License, 2 January 1834


Autobiography 1892 Deseret News Notes

I was ordained a Teacher, and my Brother Azmon an elder.

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

—I was ordained a teacher, and my brother Azmon, an elder, and a small branch was organized of 12 members by Elder Pulsipher. In February following, in company with Elder Holton, I walked some 60 miles to the town of Fabius, to attend an evening meeting of the Saints in that place, where Elder Pulsipher was presid- ing; I saw the book of commandments or revelations given through Joseph Smith, and I believed them with all my heart and rejoiced therein; and after spending sev- eral days, and holding several meetings, we returned home rejoicing. During the winter, we were visited by

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

Elder Pulsipher called all together to day who had been baptized under his hands and organized us into a Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints containing 12 members. He ordained my Brother Azmon Woodruff & Noah Holton to the office of Elders & myself a Teacher & I felt that I could truly exclaim with the prophet of God that it was better to be a door keeper in the House of God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. [Psalms 84:10] I felt much of the spirit of God resting upon me & bearing testimony to the truth of the Book of Mormon The license which I received reads as follows (A Power & Authority given to Wilford Woodruff proving that he is a teacher in the Church of Christ by the will of God the Father according to his Holy calling & the gift & power of the Holy Ghost agreeable to the Revelations of Jesus Christ signifying that He has been baptized and received into the Church according to the Articles & Covenants of the same and ordained under the Hands of Zerah Pulsipher given at Richland Oswego County N. Y. Jan 2nd 1834 Zerah Pulsipher.) I continued with my Brother in Richland

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

On the I was ordained to the office of a teacher & my eldest brother Azmon Woodruff an Elder & a small branch organized of 12 members all under the hands of ^by^ Elder Pulsipher. In the month of February I walked in company with Elder Holton some 60 miles to the town of Fabeus to attend an evening meeting of the Saints in that place where Elder Pulsipher was presiding. here ^I^ saw for the first time the Book of Commandments or revelations given through Joseph Smith and I believed them with all my heart & rejoiced therein & after spending two days with them we returned home rejoicing several days with them & holding several meetings we returned home rejoicing. During the winter we were visited by several of the Elders among whom ^was^ Elder Harry Brown in February. He again called upon

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

I was ordained to the office of a Teacher, and my Eldest brother, Azmon, an Elder, and a small branch organized of 12 members by Elder Pulsipher. In Feby. following, in company with Elder Holton, I walked some 60 miles to the town of Fabius to attend an evening meeting of the saints in that place where Elder Pulsipher was presiding; I saw the book of commandments or revelations given through Joseph Smith, and I believed them with all my heart and rejoiced therein, and after spending several days with them, and holding several meetings, we returned home rejoicing. ¶ During the winter, we were visited by several of the Elders among whom was Elder Harry Brown; He again who called upon us again about Feby 1st, accompanied by Elder Parley P. Pratt called upon us and instructed the branch, he spoke till near midnight

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—I was ordained a Teacher, and my brother Azmon an

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

—I was ordained a teacher, and my brother Azmon, an elder, and a small branch organized of 12 members by Elder Pul- sipher.


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Jan 2, 1834