Day in the Life

May 8, 1834

Journal Entry

May 08, 1834 ~ Thursday
order and took up our march on the 8th
day of May. Our march was similar to
the ancient Israelites. Our horses, waggons
and tents were in readiness and we were led
by Joseph. Our company now co[n]sisted
of twenty baggage waggons and rising of
one hundred & fifty men. The men
were armed with dirks pistols swords & rifles

For self defence and according to
Brother Joseph's request I delivered him
my sword for his own use, our
lives were threatened in consequence
of advocating and maintaining the gospel
of Jesus Christ for this cause it became
necessary to be in readiness to defend our
lives our persons and property. As I before
said we commenced our march or jour
ney on the 8th day of May from New por
the weather vary pleasant and deligh
tful we continued to travel through the
day and dwell in our tents at night. I
witnessed many interesting things while on
this journey we made it a practice of pitching
our tents on Saturday night and not rem
ove them untill Monday morning we
had preaching on the Lords day Broth[er]
Joseph often addressed us in the nam[e]
of the Lord while on our journey and
often while addressing the camp he was
clothed upon with much of the spirit of
his precepts were verry instructive
and interesting. While on our travels


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Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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Religious – The History of Zion's Camp
May the 8th. After completing our organization by number- ing our wagons, we commenced our march toward Zion. The weather was pleasant, and delightful. We traveled through the day and pitched our tents in a beautiful green, at Chippeway for the night twelve miles from New Portage.
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
my sword & I let him have it. We left New Portage on the and we travelled like the children of Israel Pitching our tents thby the way at the Blowing of the trumpet at night evry man went into his tent, bowed down upon his knees & one man in each tent offered up Prayers unto the Lord each one took his turn as he was called upon. each waggon or tent was numbered I had a pair of Horses and waggon which was Number 4 in the train I was Teamster & took care of the Horses. this was a vary interesting Journey to me we JGenerally pitched our tents saturday night & Remained over the sabbath & had preaching Joseph often taught us in the name of the Lord & was clothed upon with much of the Holy Spirit, and his teachings were vary instructing & Edfying. we travelled on the 8th 12 miles to Chippeway & pitched our tents in a Beautiful grove for the night I walked upon a Hill & looked down upon the Encampment & it was truly an inspireing sight


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May 8, 1834