Day in the Life

Jun 3, 1834

Journal Entry

June 03, 1834 ~ Tuesday
Lamanites we visited one of these Mounds

^*considerd to be 300 feet above the level of the Illinois
three persons dug into the mound & found
a dody [body] Elder Milton Holmes took the arrow out of the
back bones that killed Zelph & brought it with some
of the bones in to the camp, I visited the same
mound with Jesse ^J^ Smith who the other persons were
that dug in the mound & found the body I am

and several of the brethren dug into it and
took from it the bones of a man Brother
Joseph had a vission respecting the person
he said he was a white Lamanite the
curs was taken from him or at least
in part he was killed in battle with an
arrow the arrow was found among his
ribs, one of his thigh bones was broken
this was done by a stone flung from
a sling in battle years before his death
his name was Zelph some of his bones
were brought into the camp and the thigh
bone which was broken was put into my
waggon and I carried it to Missouri
Zelph was a large thick set man
and a man of God he was a warrior
under the great prophet ^Onandagus^ that was known
from the hill Camorah ^or east sea^ to the Rocky mo
. The above knowledge Joseph
receieved in a vision &


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Smith, Jesse Johnson
6 Oct 1808 - 1 Jul 1834
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Holmes, Milton
16 Jan 1811 - 30 Apr 1881
218 mentions
Maine Mission
4 mentions
Scriptural Figure
8 mentions
Scriptural Figure


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Religious – The History of Zion's Camp
Tuesday the 3rd. Dureing our travels we visited sevral of the mounds which had been thrown up by the ancient inhabidants of this country, and this morning I went up on a high mound near the river accompanied by many of the brotherin. From this mound we could over-look the tops of the trees, and view the prairie on eather side of the
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
we encamped over the bank of the river untill Tuesday the . During our Travels we visited many mounds trown up by the Ancient Inhabitants the Nephites & Lamanites & this morning we went onto a high mound near the river Joseph & many of the Brethren went up this mound was vary high from the top of it we could over look the tops of the treese as far as our vision could extend and the scenery was truly delightful. On the top of the mound were stones which presented the Appearance of three Alters having been erected one above the other according to the Ancient order of things & human bones were seen upon the ground. we had taken a shovel along with us Brother Joseph wished us to dig into the mound we dug into it about 1 one foot & kame upon the skeleton of a man almost entire and an Arrow was found sticking in his back bone Elder Milton Holmes picked it out & brought it into camp with one of his legs bones which had broaken He put the leg bone in my waggon & I carried it to Clay County Missouri. Brother Joseph feeling Anxios to learn somthing concerning this man prayed to the Lord & the Lord gave him a vision in open day while lying in his waggon this man & his history was placed before him His Name was Zelph He was a white Lamanite the curse had been taken off from him because of his faith & righteousness He had embraced the gospel He was a short stout thick set man He had been a great warrior Had Joined the Nephites & fought for them under the direction of the great Prophet Onandagus who held sway & command over the Armies of the Nephites from the Hill Cumorah & Eastern Sea to the Rocky mountains though the Book of Mormon does not speak of him He was a great warrior leader Guard & prophet. Zelph Had his thigh bone broaken from the sling of a stone while in battle in the days of his youth He was killed with the Arrow sticking in his back bone the vision of the great slaughter of the people at the time that Zelph was killed was opened to the prophet Joseph & there bodies were heeped upon the Earth & that great Mound of near 300 feet High placed over them. I felt anxious to bury Zelphs thigh bone in the Temple Block of Jackson County Missouri but I did not have an opportunity & I buried it in Clay County near the House owned by Colonel Arthur ocupied by Lyman Wight ^The arrow head is now in possession of his wife Emma Woodruff^


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Jun 3, 1834