Day in the Life

May 17, 1838

Journal Entry

May 17, 1838 ~ Thursday

17 Took the parting hand with the houshold of Elder Nurs & walked from Holliston to Franklin, to Wrentham,
to Pawtucket & to Providence [FIGURE] RI this is the first time I was ever in the state of Rhode island this the sixteenth
state I have visited in my peregrinations [FIGURE] sixteen states. Distance from Holliston to Providence 32 miles. We went on
board the steemer Rhode island at half past 4 oclock PM. for New York City we called at North point distance 140


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Nourse, Newell
1792- abt.1875
2 mentions


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Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)
17 Took the parting hand with the household of Elder Nurs & walked from Holliston to Franklin to Wrentham to pawtucket to providence R I. this is the first time I was ever in the State of R.I. distance from Holliston to providence 32 miles we went on board the steemer Rhodeisland at half past 4 oclock P.M. for New York City. called at Nor- thport the whole distance of the day by land & water 140 miles


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May 17, 1838