Day in the Life

May 18, 1838

Journal Entry

May 18, 1838 ~ Friday

18 We passed by Levy Island also through Hurl gate we had a view of Blackwells Island & of the New prison at
6 oclock had a view of Williamsburg & Brooklin. I had a splended view of the shiping at New York the spars
stood as thick as a forest for miles we landed at the Battery & castle garden at 7 AM. distance 100 mile
the whole distance from Providence to N Y 209 miles. This is the firs time mine eyes beheld the great city
of New York the largest city in America, & the fourth upon the globe pop 300000 we spent several
hours in traveling in the midst of this great city in search of some of the Saints, we finally found a Brother
David W. Rogers & his household who were Saints dwelling in Greenwich street corner of Spring street
No 515 we were truly rejoiced to find a Saint in the midst of such a city. We dined with these friends
from thence we walked to Hamersly street No 26. I there found Elder Orson Pratt & his family I was

truly edefyed to again meet with this Brother. I also found another family of Saints residing in the same
house viz Lucian R. Foster. I spent the remainder of the day conversing with Brother Pratt upon the
things of the kingdom. We met at early candle light in Varrick street to hold a meeting & the congregation
was principly composed of Saints as there had been about one hundred baptized & many of them
were present. Elder Eligah Fordham was with us also. I was called upon to preach to the people
I arose & addressed the Saints & the Spirit of God rested upon me & I was much Edefyed.
The Saints were noble & strong in God. We spent the night with Brother Rogers in Greenwich street


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Rogers, David White
4 Oct 1787 - 21 Sep 1881
Fordham, Elijah
12 Apr 1798 - 9 Sep 1879
Foster, Lucian R.
12 Nov 1806 - 19 Mar 1876
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1088 mentions


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Related Documents

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Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

I there took steamer and arrived in New York on the 18th of May, where I met with Elder Orson Pratt and his family, and Elijah Fordham and near one hundred Saints who had been baptized in the city of New York. I spent three days in New York visiting the Saints and holding meetings. Several new converts were baptized while I was there. Leaving New York, I traveled through New Jersey, and returned to Farmington, Connecticut, the residence of my

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

with the New York Saints from the to the on which day I wrote to the Saints up[on] the Islands of the sea and left with brother Ball for Newburg per steam boat at 5 o'clock p.m. and arrived at 9 p.m. We remained on board for the night and in the morning started and travelled 35 miles to Westown. In

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

New York on the , where I met with Elder Orson Pratt and his family, and Elijah Fordham and near one hundred Saints who had been bap- tized in the city of New York. I spent three days in New York visit- ing the Saints and holding meetings. Several new converts were baptized while I was there. Leaving New York, I traveled through New Jersey, and returned to Farming- ton, Connecticut, the residence of my father. I arrived at his house on the

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

Providence RI, took steamer to New York arived on the Met with Br [[Orson Pratt|Orson

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

arrived on the . Met and at- tended meetings with brother O. Pratt

Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)

18th Passed by Long Island also through Hurl gate & had a view of Blackwells Island & the New prison at 6 oclock had a view of Williamsburg & Brooklin I had a splendid view of the Shipping of NY the [spires] stood as thick as a forest for miles we landed at the battery & castle garden at 7 oclock A.M. distance 100 miles the whole distance from providence to NY 209 [miles]. this is the first time mine eyes ever beheld the city of Newyork. the largest city in NAmerica

Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)

pop serving of 300000 we spent several hours in traveling through this great city in search of some of the Saints. we finally found a Brother David W. Rogers & his houshold who were saints dwelling in Greenwich Street corner of Spring Street No 515 we were truly rejo- iced to find a Saint in the midst of Such a city we dined with these friends from there we walked to Hamersly Street No 26 I there found Elder Orson Pratt & his family I was truly rejoiced to again meet with this brother I also found another family of Saints residing in the same house viz. Brother Lucian R Foster I spent the remain- der of the day conversing with Brother Pratt upon the things of the kingdom we met at early candle light in Varrick Street to hold a meeting & the congregation was princip[ally] composed of Saints as their had been from 80 to 100 baptized many of them were present IElder Eligah Fordham was with us also I was called to preach to the people I arose & address[ed] the saints & the spirit of God rested upon me & I was much edifyed the saints were

Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)

noble & Strong in God we spent the Night with Brother Rogers in Greenwich Street


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May 18, 1838