Day in the Life

Nov 10, 1838

Journal Entry

November 10, 1838 ~ Saturday

Nov 10th We crossed Elk Creek by fording the stream Br Luce got his horses mired in mud but we drew him out
& went on & passed through springfield & put up for the night at the Inn of a good man from Vermont 10 [miles]


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Luce, Ephraim
30 Sep 1799 - 2 Mar 1880
35 mentions
Maine Mission
2 mentions


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Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
10th The ground was so much frozen that it bore up our horses & waggons most of the way but whare it did break in it was terrible [bad] we crossed Elk Creek by fording the stream brother Luce got his horses mired in mud but we drew him out & went on passed through Springfield & put up for the night at the In of a clever man from Vermont by the name of John Scots $3.00 10 m[iles]


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Nov 10, 1838