Day in the Life

Nov 11, 1838

Journal Entry

November 11, 1838 ~ Sunday

11 {Sunday}, we travled to Conneaute from thence to Ashtabula Ohio & spent the night at Mr Adna Scovill's 22


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Scoville, Adna
abt. 1797-1862
2 mentions


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Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839)
11th Nov Sunday We travled to Conneaute from thence to Ashtabula ^Ohio^ & put up for the night at the Inn of Mr Adna Scoville Distance of the day 22 m Ephraim Luce lost the tire off from one of his wheels which hindered him during the day I rejoice at the priviledge of once more standing in the state of Ohio


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Nov 11, 1838