Day in the Life

May 16, 1841

Journal Entry

May 16, 1841 ~ Sunday
16th Sunday A light west Breeze sail 4 not an
hour we saw a top sail schooner to the east of us
probably going to Boston we sounded & found
bottom in about 20 fathoms on Nantucket sound-
ings sail 8 not in the evening


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
the ; after which the Conference closed. duly. President Wilford Woodruff Clerk Dr Wm. Copeland During this Conference meeting we also broke bread with the Saints and confirmed four and at 1/2 past 1 o'clock in the evening ^we meet again^ and had the largest congregation which had assembled at our preaching place. One came forward for baptism This was a day which we had long desired to see for we had laboured exceedingly hard to establish a Church in London and at times it seemed as though we should have to give it up but by holding on to the work of our Divine Master and claiming the promises of God we were now to leave an established London Conference with a prosperous Church planted in the Metropolis under the care of our beloved brother Lorenzo Snow
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
Sunday the ; after which the Conference closed. WILFORD WOODRUFF, President. DR. WM. COPELAND, Clerk. During this Conference meeting we also broke bread with the Saints and con- firmed four. At half-past 6 in the evening, we met again and had the largest con- gregation which had assembled at our preaching place. One came forward for baptism. This was a day which we had long de- sired to see, for we had labored exceed ingly hard to establish a Church in Lon- don and at times it seemed as though we should have to give it up, but by holding on to the work of our Divine Master and claiming the promises of God, we were now to leave an established London Con- ference with a prosperous Church planted in the metropolis, under the care of our beloved Brother Lorenzo Snow.


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May 16, 1841