Day in the Life

May 17, 1841

Journal Entry

May 17, 1841 ~ Monday
17th A strong W. head wind run 8 not an hour
to the N. W. we are now gitting into great danger
of the shoals & bottoms as wind is against us we
can ownly about hold our own. the sea is much
choped this morning appears some like Lake Erie
We came in full view of Long Island at about 3
3 oclock P.M. A pilot boat hove in sight & made for
us. About the same time A french sail to the
Leaward of us raised her flag & made for the pilot
boat we took our pilot on board at 4 oclock we soon
came in sight of 5 sail we kept in sight of Long Island
during the evening. Our pilot informed us that
he had not herd from the Oxford or any ship that
Left Liverpool at the time we did & even for sever
al days before, so we had made the best voyage of
any at theis time of sailing he had not herd from
the steem ship President but expected she was
Lost. wind went down in the evening


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May 17, 1841