Day in the Life

Oct 5, 1841

Journal Entry

October 05, 1841 ~ Tuesday

5th We passed through Colebrook & called
at Monmouth bat[h]ed our horses & had an inter
view with Mr Albert Scamman from mon-
mouth county seat of warren we rode crossed
the south fork of Henderson to Ellisson
& spent the night with Mr Nathaniel
{Distance of the day} 38 miles


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Scammans, Albert G. Scamman
2 Jun 1807 - 9 May 1876
1 mention


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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
arrived on the of the next month. When I left Nauvoo, two years before, there were not more than a dozen houses in the place, but, on my return to the city, there were several hundred. We passed by the Temple, then build- ing, and had a view of it; we then called at the house of Elder Brigham Young, and there spent the night. Brother Brigham was sick, and Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards were with him. We laid hands upon him and he soon recovered. I saw many of my old friends and ac- quaintances, and was informed that others of them were dead.


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Oct 5, 1841