Day in the Life

Oct 30, 1841

Journal Entry

October 30, 1841 ~ Saturday

30 [Joseph Smith Papers Document] [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Their was two companies of the
Nauvoo Legion called out to remove a
grog shop out of the way. Elders Brewett
& Price assisted me make some doors I
am still unwell feel feeble. The City Council
met in the evening [FIGURE] & during their business
31st Sunday I met in council
they Appointed me as a maember of the
City Council of the city of Nauvoo I
was notifyed of my appointment in the morning


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Price, Charles
1800-aft. 1869
19 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Browett, Daniel
18 Dec 1809 - 27 Jun 1848
65 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


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Political/Government - Record of Appointment to City Council, 30 October 1841
Council met prior ^to^ to adjournment Lyman Wight, Willard Richards, & Wilford Woodruff were appoin- ted Counsellors. Hiram Kimball & George W. Harris Alderman, Wm D. Huntington High Constable in the place of George W. Harris, [FIGURE] & the Freedom of the city conferred upon Sylvester Emmoings, & George P. Stile^g^s. [FIGURE]
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On the the City Council met & among its business I was appointed one of the city council of Nauvoo. ^Commence here^ The next day was Sunday and I met with the Twelve and the Presidency at the office of Hyrum Smith and spent most of the day in council Joseph severely reproved Benjamin Winchester for getting out of his place, after which he taught us principle for several hours. He spoke upon the gathering of the nations for the building up of the Kingdom of God &c. Six days afterwards I attended the City Council for the first time and was sworn into my office as councillor
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
On the the city coun- cil met and among its business I was ap- pointed one of the city council of Nauvoo. -[TO BE CONTINUED.]-


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Oct 30, 1841