Day in the Life

Dec 20, 1841

Journal Entry

December 20, 1841 ~ Monday

20th 21st 22nd, 23rd & 24th was exceding cold I spent the
week as usual at the store & to work at my house


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Letter from Ilus Fabyan Carter, 20 December 1851
Scarborough The goods for W. Woodruff were shiped by me from N. York immediately after receiving J. M. Munroes letter of Fby. 9th, consequently no delay on my part and W. W. must have known as well as myself the time required in reaching Kanesville I. F. Carter [sideways text] J. B. Monroe Forfeited his Contract with I. F. Carter who paid $1000 to have his g[o]ods Brought to W Woodruff &c [end of sideways text]


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Wilford appointed manager of the Church's official newspaper Times and Seasons.
Wilford sets type for printing/publishing the Book of Abraham in Times and Seasons.

Dec 20, 1841