Day in the Life

Jan 20, 1844

Journal Entry

January 20, 1844 ~ Saturday

20 Spent the day settelling accounts
Wheat sheaves in the evening I met with the quorum in
the evening & had an interesting time
H. C. K V. K Received their second Anointing &c.


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Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1465 mentions
Kimball, Vilate Murray
1 Jun 1806 - 22 Oct 1867

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Autobiography 1857 Draft 1
remained in business in the printing office untill the when I settled my
Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star
printing-office until the 20th of Janu- ary 1844, when I closed the business, and left it well supplied with materials in the hands of Elder John Taylor. I built a two story brick house upon my lot. In the spring of 1844, I was ap- pointed a mission to go through the Eastern States with the Quorum of
Autobiography 1858 Deseret News
remained in the printing office until the 20th of January, 1844, when I closed the business, and left it well supplied with materials in the hands of Elder John Taylor. I built a two story brick house upon my lot. In the spring of 1844, I was appointed a mis- sion to go through the Eastern States with the


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Publication of "The History of Joseph Smith" in the Times and Seasons covering period up to January 7, 1832.

Jan 20, 1844