Sunday I met with the congregation
of the Saints at the Temple & herd an
interestin discourse deliverd by president
Joseph Smith In the afternoon I preached
to a company of Saints at the house of Br
Coolage & had a good time
I met with the quorum in the evening
had an interestin time many good exhorta
tion were given by the brethren concerning
the things of God. [FIGURE] P. P. P. Received his
2nd Anointing. Joseph said concerning Parley P
Pratt that He had no wife sealed to him for eternity
and asked if their was any harm for him to
have another wife for time & eternity as He
would want a wife in the resurrection or els
his glory would be cliped many argum[en]ts
He used upon this subject which were rational
& consistant
Br Joseph said now what will
we do with Elder P. P Pratt He has no wife sealed to
him for eternity He has one living wife but she
had a former Husband and did not wish to be sealed
to Parly, for eternity now is it not right for parley
to have another wife that can
Jan 21st Sunday [FIGURE]
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] A large assemby of Saints met at the Temple
And herd an interesting discours deliverd
By President Joseph Smith. The following is
a synopsis of his discourse upon the occasion
When I consider the surrounding circumstances
in which I am placed this day, standing in the
open air with week lungs & sumwhat out of
health, I feel that I must have prayers & faith
of my brethren that God may strengthen me
& pour out his special blessings upon me if you
get much from me this day.
Their are
many people assembled here to day & throughout
this city, & from various parts of the world
who say that they have recieved to a certainty
a portion of knowledge from God by revelation
in the way that he has ordained & pointed out
I shall take the broad ground then that if
we have or can receive a portion of knowledge
from God by immediate revelation by the
same source we can receive all knowledge.
What shall I talk about today I know what Br
Cahoon wants me to speak about, he wants me
to speak about the comeing of Eligah in the last
days I can see it in his eye. I will speak upon
that subject then. The Bible says "I will send
you Elijah before the great & dredful day of the
Lord come that he shall turn the hearts of the
fathers to the children & the hearts of the children
to their fathers lest I come & smite the whole
earth with a curse." [Malachi 4:5-6] Now the word turn here
should be translated -[bind or seal]- But what is
the object of this important mission or how is it to be
fulfilled. The keys are to be deliverd the spirit
of Elijah is to come, The gospel to be esstablished
the Saints of God gatherd, Zion built up, & the
Saints to come up as saviors on mount Zion [Obadiah 1:21]
but how are they to become saviors on Mount
Zion by building their temples erecting their
Baptismal fonts & going forth & receiving all
the ordinances, Baptisms, confirmations, washings
anointings, ordinations, & sealing powers upon
our heads in behalf of all our Progenitors who
are dead & redeem them that they may come
forth in the first resurrection & be exhalted to
thrones of glory with us, & herein is the chain
that binds the hearts of the fathers to the children
& the children to the Fathers [Malachi 4:6] which fulfills
the mission of Elijah & I would to God that
this temple was now done that we might go
into it & go to work & improve our time &
make use of the seals while they are on earth
& the Saints have none to much time to save
& redeem their dead, & gather together their
living relatives that they may be saved also, before
the earth will be smitten & the consumption
decreed falls upon the world & I would advise
all the Saints to go to with their might & gather
together all their living relatives to this place that
they may be sealed & saved that they may
be prepared against the day that the destroying
angel goes forth & if the whole Church should
go to with all their might to save their dead
seal their posterity & gather their living friends
& spend none of their time in behalf of the
world they would hardly get through before
night would come when no man could work
& my ownly trouble at the present time
is concerning ourselves that the Saints
will be divided & broken up & scattered
before we get our salvation secure for
thei[r] is so many fools in the world for the devil
to operate upon it gives him the advantage
often times. The question is freequently
asked can we not be saved without going
through with all thes ordinances &c I would
answer No not the fulness of salvation.
Jesus said their was many mansions in his
fathers house & he would go & prepare a
place for them. [John 14:2] House here named should
have been translated -[kingdom]- & any
person who is exhalted to the highest mansion
has to abide a celestial law & the whole law
to. But their has been a great difficulty
in getting anything into the heads of this
generation it has been like splitting hemlock
knots with a corn doger for a wedge & a
pumpkin for a beetle; even the Saints are
slow to understand I have tried for a number
of years to get the minds of the Saints prepared
to recieve dthe things of God, but we freequently
see some of them after suffering all they have
for the work of God will fly to peaces like glass
as soon as any thing comes that is contrary to
their traditions, they cannot stand the
fire allt all. How many will be able to abide
a celestial law & go through & recieve their
exhaltation I am unable to say but many are
called & few are chosen [Doctrine and Covenants 121:34]
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I shall take the broad ground then that if we have or can receive a portion of knowledge from God by immediate revelation by the same source we can receive all knowledge.
the saints to come up as saviors on mount Zion but how are they to become Saviors on Mount Zion by building their temples erecting their Baptismal fonts & going forth & receiving all the ordinances, baptisms, confirmations, washings anointings ordinations, & sealing powers upon our heads in behalf of all our Progenitors who are dead & redeem them that they may come forth in the first resurrection & be exhalted to thrones of glory with us, & herein is the chain that binds the hearts of the fathers to the children, & the children to the Fathers which fulfills the mission of Elijah
the saints have none to much time to save & redeem their dead, & gather together their living relatives that they may be saved also, before the earth will be smitten & the consumption decreed falls upon the world & I would advise all the saints to go to with their might & gather together all their living relatives to this place that they may be sealed & saved that they may be prepared against the day that the destroying angel goes forth & if the whole Church should go to with all their might to save their dead seal their posterity & gather their living friends & spend none of their time in behalf of the world they would hardly get through before night would come when no man could work
But their has been a great difficulty in getting anything into the heads of this generation it has been like splitting hemlock knots with a corn doger for a wedge & a pumpkin for a beetle; even the saints are slow to understand I have tried for a number of years to get the minds of the saints prepared to recieve the things of God, but we freequently see some of them after suffering all they have for the work of God will fly to peaces like glass as soon as any thing comes that is contrary to their traditions, they cannot stand the fire all at all. How many will be able to abide a celestial law & go through & recieve their exhaltation I am unable to say but many are called & few are chosen
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