Day in the Life

Feb 20, 1846

Journal Entry

February 20, 1846 ~ Friday

20th The North west gale still continues though
not as strong As through the night they now
carry closs reef main & fore top sails I am quite
unwell today having no sleep for two nights in
consequence of the rough weather & tumbling
of the ship I shall know how to prize the
privilege of on[c]e more setting my feet on land
when I can get the chance of enjoying it
we made a good dinner of Apple Dumpling to
day made By Elder Stratton. the wind died
away towards evening And they were
enabled to carry sail again but we were
running far south of New York


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Stratton, Joseph Albert
11 Sep 1821 - 28 Oct 1850


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On final day of work in temple, 600 received ordinances; total of 5,615 received endowments in Nauvoo.
Times and Seasons stops serial publication of the Manuscript History of the Church (history ends with events on August 11, 1834).

Feb 20, 1846