13th We Passed quincy at 6 oclok A cold
but plesant day we stoped at warsaw
I gazed upon the place for A time And thought
of there wickedness oppression & cruelty
towards the Saints. We also stoped At
Keokuk for an hour. At about 2 oclock we
started to ascend the rapids in about
2 Hours we came in sight of the splendid Temple
built by the Latter Day Saints And also
the city of Nauvoo I immediately got my spy
glass And exahmined the city. The Temple
truly looked splendid. We stoped at Montrose
And then crossed to Nauvoo at the upper
landing I soon got a waggon & took my
friends to My house whare I had the Happy
Privilege of meeting with my Dear wife &
children I found them all well as could be
expected they like myself had a hard voyage
across the ocean they were 9 weeks & 4 days
on the Passage and ownly got Home A few days
before me. we were all Happy to meet Here
I met my wife And all my children for
over one year Here Parents & children also
meet I spent the night once more with
my family distance from St Louis 200 [miles]
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