Day in the Life

Mar 29, 1846

Journal Entry

March 29, 1846 ~ Sunday

29th Sunday I preached in the Morning to
A large congregation communed with
the Saints in the Afternoon And Preached
in the evening to A large congregation for
the last time Probably in Philadelphia
Elders Mellen, Appleby, Hollister And several

others were present I read A letter sent
to Br [blank] from the camp who it appears
had also turned away He staited there was
A shaking in Nauvoo that Page had gone
with Strang that John [Taylor] was cut off &c I was
weary at night & took some cold


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On final day of work in temple, 600 received ordinances; total of 5,615 received endowments in Nauvoo.
Times and Seasons stops serial publication of the Manuscript History of the Church (history ends with events on August 11, 1834).

Mar 29, 1846