Day in the Life

Apr 21, 1846

Journal Entry

April 21, 1846 ~ Tuesday

21st Spent the day in runing about to get my things ready
A folded letter/box I recieved A Letter from Azmon Woodruff


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Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
367 mentions

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Letter from Brigham Young, 21 April 1846
Camp of Isreal. Camp Crick, Belovid Brother Woodruff, I am thinkful that you have arrived safe in the of the saints and hope I shall soon have the priveledge of conversing with you face to face. I want a longe talk with you yea menny. I wish you to prepare to come to us as soon as convenent, if you stay with Br Hyde till the dedication of the Temple come emeditly then we want your cociety to acompany over the mountins. If Br Hyde can come when you due we want he should Br Richards will concerning buisness, and I will say if you can fetch me a little money I wish you would to help us in our presents wants. we want a botting cloth for a mill for we have non with us. we are now in Iaway teretory near the Grand River and expect to goe north apeace and prepare for a crop this seson, and then go to Councel Blufts and there leve some more of the Bretheren to make a crop, and then some goe to the mountains. We are glad that Br Hyde is in Nauvoo he has don grate good sence we left, and the spirit of the Lord has rested upon him powerfull powerfuley. It is late and I am not well this evening so I will bid good night, may the Lord Bless you and yours for ever and ever amen remember me to your famely and to Br Clark and famely, I want to see him I hope he will come with you when you come. one word to Br Hyde we think you have done right as far as we know and the Lord has been with you come as soon as you can concistantly my love to all the Brethern Brigham Young To W. Woodruff


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Apr 21, 1846