Day in the Life

May 4, 1846

Journal Entry

May 04, 1846 ~ Monday

4th I spent the day ^morning^ in the city vary busy
getting ready to go about 30 miles into the country
to visit Br & Sister Scammans I started with
my mules & carriage & got 4 miles out of the
city & got stalled in a mud hole & had to get
oxen to draw us out I then returned home
coverd with mud & gave it up for a bad
Job spent the remainder of the day cleaning
the Mules & Harness &c


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Scammans, Luther
7 Dec 1808 - 10 Jul 1878
73 mentions
Scammans, Rhoda Farnham Carter
13 Mar 1809 - 23 Dec 1896
63 mentions


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May 4, 1846