Day in the Life

Jun 21, 1848

Journal Entry

June 21, 1848 ~ Wednesday

21st We started on our Journey this day rode 16 miles
[FIGURE] & stoped on Silver Creek & camped for the night


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On this day I started on my mission East. Our company consisted of myself and family and Dominicas Carter with my carriage Brother Russel Homer had a waggon and carried with him Libeas T. Coones John McMurry and David M. Gammit. The whole of us were eleven souls in our company. On the 6th day of our journey at the close of a heavy thunder storm Elders Hyde and Johnson and other drove up drenched with rain Next day we reached Mount Pisgah and at night held a meeting at that place which was addressed by Orson Hyde and Wilford Woodruff, both constrained by the Spirit of God to speak in much plainness to the people On the following day I had an interview with Aaron York President of the Branch who laid before me the state of affairs concerning himself and the Church at Mount Pisgah In the afternoon we held meeting. I addressed the people and gave them counsel. Bro York followed and withdrew from the Presidency of the Branch and we then appointed by the voice of the people Edwin Whiting for President with brothers Whiting and Demill for his counsellors


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Jun 21, 1848