Day in the Life

Jul 6, 1848

Journal Entry

July 06, 1848 ~ Thursday

6 We travled through Bonaparte & Farmington & camped
for the night 4 miles west of bonaparte & travled 20 miles


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a hard thunder storm was approaching us. my Mules were tied to a large oak tree on the opposite side of the street I felt impressed to move my Mules away to another place I did so I also removed my Children out of the house Carriage & made them a bed in the house I also moved my Carriage one rod down to the house in which Mrs Woodruff myself & one child slept, we had just retired to bed when the storm reached us with great fury in a moment the large oak tree came thund- ering to the ground with a mighty crash had I not have moved my Mules it probably would have killed them had I not have moved my Carriage it would have crushed it to atoms and killed us dead for the body of the tree fell whare my Carriage stood & just missed Br Kingleys waggon I considerd it an i[n]ter position of Providence to save our lives
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Jul 6, 1848