Day in the Life

Jul 11, 1848

Journal Entry

July 11, 1848 ~ Tuesday

11th I sold my Mules carriage & Harness to Samuel Beverly
for $160 & Buffalo robe for $3.70 I then took passage for Keokuck
in the Hack, dined at Br Fishers & remained untill 8 oclok
then took passage on board the Lucy Bertram for St Luis
we went on deck but we did not sleep any at all for
it seemed as though the fleas Bedbugs & musketoes would
have destroyed us they bit ourselves & children in a dredful


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
passage for Keokuck on the and in the evening from thence took passage on board the Lucy Bertram for St. Loouis where we arrived the next day On Sunday I met with the St Louis Branch of the Church over which N. H. Felt presided. There was a large congregation present and Orson Hyde addressed them ^upon the subject of the resurrection^ in the morning and I spoke to them in the afternoon I spent the Monday in St. Louis and in the evening took cabin passage with my family on board the Herald and arrived at Lasselle two days later From thence next day I hired a man to carry myself and family to brother Luther Scammans 2 1/2 miles North of Lost Grove in Lamoile Bureau Co. Illinois. We found him and ^our sister my wife's sister^ Rhoda and their family all well but our little daughter who had been sick for some days was suffering much through the journey and grew worse. Two days afterwards she died. Shuah Woodruff was born October the 28th 1847 and


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Jul 11, 1848