Day in the Life

Jan 2, 1853

Journal Entry

January 02, 1853 ~ Sunday

Jan 2nd Sunday I attended meeting Brother Joseph Toronto Preached
& gave an account of his Travells out through Italy & the dangers he run in
in Preaching the gospel to his native country He was among the waldens
He spoke of the hard labour they had to endure in order to get a living
that they not ownly backed up their hay & wood upon their back
but also the earth to make gardins to raise their vegitables. his rehers
account of his ministry was quite interesting. He was followed
by a sailor who baptized Brother Toronto in the commenemt.
The Presidency & Twelve met in counsel at 3 oclok & we had
a good time


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Sunday the Bro Joseph Toronto gave an account of his travels through Italy and the dangers he ran in preaching the Gospel to his native country. He was among the Waldensees On the following Sunday after an interesting discourse ^from P. P. Pratt^ brother Gr^oward^ gave an interesting account of his mission on the Western Islands—of his travels among the natives, his sufferings among them, and the opposition by the French Government. He was 9 years on his mission and several years without hearing anything from the Church and his mental sufferings were very great. The first he received was a letter I wrote to him and that he did not obtain until two years after it was written. On the Sunday Jan 2nd President Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball met with the quorum of the Twelve and the same subject was brought up and talked over as on the 29 of December. President Young said the best way for the Twelve to get a living for themselves and families was to preach the


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Wilford appointed clerk and historian of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at age 45.
Wilford serves third term as member of Territorial Legislature.

Jan 2, 1853