Day in the Life

Apr 6, 1853

Journal Entry

April 06, 1853 ~ Wednesday

[FIGURE] April 6th 1853
The General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter day saints commenced this morning & this
day was one of the most interesting ever witnessed by
the Church since its organization. The procedings of the
day is published in the Deserett News of April 16 1853 so
I will not record it here I will say however that the four
corner stones of the Temple in Great Salt Lake City [were laid].
The presidency laid the S.E. corner stone with the patriarch
Bishop Edward Hunter & counsel with the lesser priesthood
laid the S.W. corner stone. John Young the president
of the High Priests quorum & counsel, the president of the stake
& counsel, with the High counsel proceded to lay the North-
west cornor stone. The Twelve Apostles First Presidey
of the Seventies, & presidency of the Elders quorum laid
the North East cornor stones their was a prayer
offerd Oration Deliverd & song sung on each cornor
stone as they were laid. there was the largest Assembly
of saints ever gatherd together in Deserett on the ocasi[on]
it occupied the whole day untill 2'oclock after the 12 Had
laid the last stone on the North East cornor & closed the
cornor ceremony. President Young ascended the stone
& gave his benediction as follows. Brethren & Sisters
I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth &
pray my father in heaven to encircle you in the Arms of his love
& mercy protect us untill we have finished the Temple receve
the fulness of our endowments therein & then build many
more. And I pray also that we may live to see the great
Temple in Jackson County Missouri you are now dismi
ssed with the Blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ upon your
heads Amen. The possession then returned to the Tabernl
& were dismissed by presidet Young untill 23 ock P.M.

Met at 3 oclok prayer by A Lyman President Brigham Young
arose & deliverd a vary interesting discourse which is published
in full in the Deserett News of April 30th 1853.

Brother Kimball said that the seventies had a portion of the Apostleship
as had all the Elders but none were ordained to the fulness of the
Apostleship except the Twelve or those who are ordaind to the

A Lyman spoke told a dream said Joseph came to him &
told him to dip a large lake dry & gave him a spoon to do it
with said he could not have any impression upon it with a spoo[n]
he thought but still would obey counsel & went to dipping
& soon lowerd the lake 5 feet then Joseph told him He
could not always Judge of things by appearances but the Lord would
do all for us that our hearts could desire Adjourned till tomorrow


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
299 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1466 mentions
Young, John (Jr.)
22 May 1791 - 27 Apr 1870
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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President Young ascended the stone & gave his benediction as follows. Brethren & Sisters I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth & pray my father in heaven to encircle you in the arms of his love & mercy protect us untill we have finished the Temple receve the fulness of our endowments therein & then build many more. And I pray also that we may live to see the great Temple in Jackson County Missouri you are now dismi ssed with the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ upon your heads Amen.
~ Brigham Young
A Lyman spoke told a dream said Joseph came to him & told him to dip a large lake dry & gave him a spoon to do it with said he could not have any impression upon it with a spoo[n] he thought but still would obey counsel & went to dipping & soon lowerd the lake 5 feet than Joseph told him he could not always Judge of things by appearances but the Lord would do all for us that our hearts could desire
~ Amasa Lyman

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The General Conference commenced this morning and it was one of the most interesting ever held by the Church since its organization. The proceedings of the day was afterwards published in the Deseret News and copied from thence into the L. D. Saints Millennial Star and therefore I shall not record it here. I will say however that the four corner stones of the Temple


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Apr 6, 1853