roatspent the day writing I wrote 3 letters to I. F. Carter
Col T. L. Kane I rote to J. M. Bernhisel to Pay $105 for me
& I wrote to I F Carter that I had requested Bernhisel
to pay it. I wrote a full letter to col Thomas L. Kane & requested him to write to me
A Quarterly conference commenced to day Erastus
30 Sunday Snow preached a good sermon in the forenoon
& in the afternoon Elder Wallace ^prayed^ & Elder Gates preached to the people
a good discourse was followed by Claudious Spencer
then J. B. Nobles and Erastus Snow all had the spirit of the
Lord & spoke unto the edifycation of the people
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Elder Orson Pratt spoke in a vary interesting manner concerning the fulfillment of Prophesy, the second coming of Christ, the building of the New Jerruselem, the blowing of the trump, the opening of the seals, the pouring out of the plagues, the resurrection of the dead &c. He said in 1829 He had this voice continually ringing in his ears "Prepare ye the way of the Lord & make his paths strait." After he was baptized he went to Kirtland & told Joseph that He knew he was a Prophit of God & wanted him to inquire of the Lord for him when he obtained the revelation recorded in the Doctrins & Covenants given Nov 1830 recorded on Page 280 there the Lord told him to lift up his voice long & Loud preparing the way for the second coming of the Lord
The President has said that it was necessary to send missionaries through this Territory to preach to the people in order to save them this I believe is true we as a people have got to rise up & become sanctifyed pure & holy in order to be prepared to meet the great events which are rushing upon us with the rapidity of lightning we have got to make up our minds whether we will keep a Celestial Law or what Law we will keep. It is necessary for us to send messengers of salvation to stir up the minds of the people as long as there can be found an Adulterer
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