Day in the Life

Dec 30, 1855

Journal Entry

December 30, 1855 ~ Sunday

Dec 30th Sunday Conference opened at 10 oclock J. M. Grant
addressed the people & was followed by President Kimball I was
not preasent & did not report. I attended in the afternoon
& Elder Orson Pratt spoke in a vary interesting manner
concerning the fulfillment of Prophesy, the second coming
of Christ, the building of the New Jerruselem, the blowing of the tru[m]p,
the opening of the seals, the pouring out of the plagues, the resurrectin
of the dead &c. He said in 1829 He had this voice continually
ringing in his ears "Prepare ye the way of the Lord & make his
paths strait" After he was baptized he went to kirtland &
told Joseph that He knew he was a Profitphit of God & wanted
him to inquire of the Lord for him when he obtained this
revelation recorded in the Doctrins & Covenats given Nov 1830
recorded on page 280 there the Lord told him to lift up his
voice long & Loud preparing the way for the second coming of the
Lord then I understood my former feelings.

I attended the meeting in the evening Br Ray spok 1st Phineas Young attempted
to speak to the people but vary soon chocked down with caughing
or sumthing in the throat & stoped. Erastus Snow followed &
spoke at Length in a vary interesting manner upon a great variety
of subjects much to the Edifycation of those who herd. Before the
close of the meeting I spoke to the people a few moments the following
are some of the remarks which I made

Brethren & sisters I feel to say a few words before closing I have
listened with attention to the teachings we have herd during
this afternoon & evening & I can bear testimony that they
are true. Elder Orson Pratt has spread before us this after-
noon the fulfillment of that grait chain of Prophesyies which
are to take place before the coming of the Mesiah like a great
panarama spread upon the wall so that evry person can see &
behold it. Now can we realize that these great & glorious events
are to transpire within 40 years even in our day & the days of
our children. no we cannot but yet it will be so. The Presidt
has said that it was necessary to send missionaries through
this Territory to preach to the people in order to save them
this I believe is true we as a people have got to rise up &
become sanctifyed pure & holy in order to be prepared to meet
the great events which are rushing upon us with the rapidity of
lightning we have got to make up our minds whether we
will keep a Celestial Law or what Law we will keep. It is
necessary for us to send messengers of salvation to stir up the
minds of the people as long as there can be found an Adulterer

a thief, a liar, a Blasphemer or a Parent in all Israel that does
not bow down morning & evening with his family & call upon the
name of the Lord. Let us seek to lay aside our sins & call upon
the Lord untill we do enjoy the Holy spirit continually. evry ma[n]
& woman in all Israel may know what law they are ceeping &
to what Glory they are bound. But all persons may know that they
will miss of a full salvation while they are committing sin of any
kind now let not the people think [it] strange because the Presidency
of this Church chastise them it is their duty & place to do ^it^ when
it is necessary. let us fully realize that we should not go to
sleep & be careless & indiferent towards the events which we
are called to pass through we should overcome the world the flesh
& the Devil, & trust in God for evry blessing. their is neither
Male nor female that finally overcome & receive a Celestial
no matter how great the sacrifice may be in order to obtain
it but what will be satisfyed with the reward & would not
wish to obtain it ^on^ any easier term


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
705 mentions
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1467 mentions
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
282 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1088 mentions
Young, Phineas Howe
16 Feb 1799 - 10 Oct 1879


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.



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Elder Orson Pratt spoke in a vary interesting manner concerning the fulfillment of Prophesy, the second coming of Christ, the building of the New Jerruselem, the blowing of the trump, the opening of the seals, the pouring out of the plagues, the resurrection of the dead &c. He said in 1829 He had this voice continually ringing in his ears "Prepare ye the way of the Lord & make his paths strait." After he was baptized he went to Kirtland & told Joseph that He knew he was a Prophit of God & wanted him to inquire of the Lord for him when he obtained the revelation recorded in the Doctrins & Covenants given Nov 1830 recorded on Page 280 there the Lord told him to lift up his voice long & Loud preparing the way for the second coming of the Lord
~ Orson Pratt
The President has said that it was necessary to send missionaries through this Territory to preach to the people in order to save them this I believe is true we as a people have got to rise up & become sanctifyed pure & holy in order to be prepared to meet the great events which are rushing upon us with the rapidity of lightning we have got to make up our minds whether we will keep a Celestial Law or what Law we will keep. It is necessary for us to send messengers of salvation to stir up the minds of the people as long as there can be found an Adulterer
~ Wilford Woodruff
Let us seek to lay aside our sins & call upon the Lord untill we do enjoy the Holy spirit continually.
~ Wilford Woodruff
let us fully realize that we should not go to sleep & be careless & indiferent towards the events which we are called to pass through we should overcome the world the flesh & the Devil, & trust in God for evry blessing their is neither Male nor female that finally overcome & receive a Celestial Glory no matter how great the sacrifice may be in order to obtain it but what will be satisfyed with the reward & would not wish to obtain it ^on^ any easier term
~ Wilford Woodruff
while Zion is spreading herself & enlarging her borders in strength. Great Babylon is visited at the same time with wars & Bloodsheds pestilence & famine which is ownly a fore runner of what is to come to pass
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Phebe Amelia Woodruff, 30 December 1855

G S L City Dear Father I have improved every opportunity of writing to you since you have been away from home as I have always before written in a great hurry I thought I would begin soon enough this time. I recieved four letters from you since you left home they contained a great deal of good counsil and I think very much of them I shall keep them as long as I live and try to learn a great deal from them I know there is much contained in them I shall read them as often as I can it is so cold and uncomfortable that Mother says that we had better stay at home and write to you instead of going to meeting to day the children hung up their stockings christmas eve and Santaclaws made them a visit I think Mothers health is rather better than it was when I wrote to you last we have got a vacation from Thursday untill Wednesday because two of Mrs Kimballs' children are sick with the measles and a great many scholars are

Letter from Susan Cornelia Woodruff Scholes, 30 December 1855

G S L City Dear Farther I recieved some kind leters from you in which I thought that you gave me some kind advice espesceally in the last one but I wil try to do a as you told me and keep our room clean and help mother. I have not done as I aught to do for the two last weeks but I hope I will do better than I have done I hope you will excuse all the bad writing in this leter and I will try to do better the next time I wright to y you I hope I improve in all my study as I think much of all the letters you wrote me and will keep then all my life and follow the advice they give me I wish you a hapy new year Dear Farther I would like to know how you are geting a long and how your health is and if you are in a comfortable place Dear Farther grandpa is as cross as can be will gave hiran cannon one of the kettia es and he gave in a whip lash From you afeconate daughter Susan C Woodruff

Letter from Emma Smith Woodruff, 30 December 1855

Great Salt Lake City As I have an oppertunity I thought I would write you a few lines in answer to your last letter which I was very happy to receive as it told me that I was not forgotten I have not time to write much so I will just say that I am getting along verry well. in your letter you said a good deal about novel reading I can say for your comfort as well as mine that I have not looked into one since you have been gone nor a vulgur song and hope I never shall again I hope you will pray for me at all times I hope you will enjoy your self this winter we heard that you would be home by the 21 I hope it is true I pray the Lord to bless yoou so good by From your affectionate Emma Woodruff

Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866

the [blank space] "The last day of the year 1855 was spent in the Legislature Thus time rapidly flies with us. Every year grows big with events both with Mount Zion and Great Babylon. What the future year would bring to pass time must determine but judgements will continue to increase upon the Gentile nations and great calamity awaits the wicked" I looked over my Journal on the last day


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Dec 30, 1855