Day in the Life

Apr 29, 1856

Journal Entry

April 29, 1856 ~ Tuesday

29th A single key with teeth to the left [FIGURE] A single key with teeth to the right Tuesday this was a trying day to my life the poison
had so circulated through my system that it was affecting
my whole body seriously I became so weak I could not stand upon
my feet, it took two persons to lead me from the fire to my bed
I could not talk no more than if I had been drunk. my stomach
& bowels sceased to Act And to Judge from outward appearances it
seemed as though I should not live 24 hours my wife & friends labored
with me through the day faithfully & with Emetics & injections
& with raw onion poltices upon my arm I got my whole system
in operation before night. President Brigham Young called
upon me in company with Dr Sprague at about evening I
was some better than I had been through the day Brothers
Young & Sprague laid hands upon me & blessed me the
following is a synopsis of the blessing which He pronounced
upon my head which I wrote from Memory After my recovery

Brother Wilford in the name of Jesus Christ & by virtue of the Holy priesthood
I lay my hands upon your head to Bless you And I ask my Father
in heaven
to stay the deisease which is resting upon you & to cleanse your
Blood & to heal you up & I say in the name of Jesus Christ that
you shall not die but shall live to finish your work which is
appointed you to do upon the Earth. the Adversary has sought many
times to destroy your life from the Earth but the Lord has preserved
you & will preserve you untill your work is done I feel to say that all is
right here I fell to ask the Lord to bless all the means you make use of for
your recovery. You shall be healed up from this deisease & live to
enjoy the society of your family & your children shall grow
up around you & you shall be a blessing to them let your heart
be comforted all shall be well with you. And I seal these Blessings
upon you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

all should be more cautious than what I have been in this matter & not run the risk of looseing their lives by trying to save the skins of Animals who die with disease, the following Account will show the operation of this disease with me from day to day & how near I came of loosing my life in fact I was ownly saved through the power & mercy of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Brother Wilford in the name of Jesus Christ & by virtue of the Holy priesthood I lay my hands upon your head to Bless you And I ask my Father in heaven to stay the deisease which is resting upon you & to cleanse your Blood & to heal you up & I say in the name of Jesus Christ that you shall not die but shall live to finish your work which is appointed you to do upon the Earth, the Adversary has sought many times to destroy your life from the Earth but the Lord has preserved you & will preserve you untill your work is done I feel to say that all is right here I fell to ask the Lord to bless all the means you make use of for your recovery. You shall be healed up from this deisease & live to enjoy the society of your family & your children shall grow up around you & you shall be a blessing to them let your heart be comforted all shall be well with you And I seal these Blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
~ Brigham Young

Related Documents

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Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

was another trying day to my life the poison had so thoroughly penetrated my whole system that my strength left me I could not stand I was led to my bed my bowels and stomach sceased to act, my speech was like that of a drunken man President Young called in company with Dr Sprague and laid hands upon me and rebuked the deseace & the power of the Destroyer which had seized my body and promised me in the name of the Lord that I should not die but live to finish my work which was appointed me upon the Earth, I soon began to recover, the poison ^and mortification^ left my system and centered in my arm which was removed drawn from my arm through the aid of charcoal poltices mostened with ^a^ strong decotion of wormwood rag weed & wild sage, the dead flesh was removed from my arm with instruments and Lunar Ca[u]stic and in few days I was well again (*paper apart page 5th) 11th line) During the winter of 1831 while in New Hartford Ct I passed through a severe course of the lung fever (*paper apart Page 6th to come in its date,) taken off from page 38.)

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

was another trying day to my life; the poison had so thoroughly penetrated my whole system, that my strength left me; I could not stand, I was led to my bed, my bowels and stomach ceased to act, my speech was like that of a drunken man. President Young called, in company with Dr. Sprague, and laid hands upon me, and rebuked the disease and the power of the destroyer which had seized my body, and promised me in the name of the Lord, that I should not die but live to finish my work which was appointed me upon the earth. I soon began to re- cover. The poison and mortification left my system and centered in my arm, and was drawn from my arm through the aid of charcoal poultices, moistened with a strong decoction of wormwood, ragweed and wild sage; the dead flesh was removed from my arm with instruments and lunar caustic, and in a few days I was well again. I have occupied considerable space in referring to those peculiar circum- stances which have attended me during life, and to sum the matter up it stands thus:—I have broken both legs—one in two places—both arms, my breast bone and three ribs, and had both ankles dislocated. I have been drowned, frozen, scalded and bit by a mad dog—have been in two water wheels under full head of water—have passed through several severe fits of sickness, and encountered poison in its worst forms—have landed in a pile of railroad ruins—have barely been missed by the passing bullets, and have passed through a score of other hair-breadth escapes. It has appeared miraculous to me, that with all the injuries and broken bones which I have had, I have not a lame limb, but have been enabled to endure the hardest labor, exposures and journeys—have often walked forty, fifty, and on one occasion, sixty miles in a day. The protection and mercy of God has been over me, and my life thus far has been preserved; for which blessings I feel to render the gratitude of my heart to my Heavenly Father, praying that the remainder of my days may be spent in His service and in the building up of his kingdom. (To be continued.)

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

was another trying day to my life; the poison had so thoroughly penetrated my whole system, that my strength left me; I could not stand, I was led to my bed, my bowels and stomach ceased to act, my speech was like that of a drunken man. Prest. Young called, in company with Dr. Sprague, and laid hands upon me, and rebuked the disease and the

Autobiography 1858 Notes

was another trying day to my life, the poison had so thoroughly penetrated my whole system that my strength left me I could not stand, I was led to my bed, my bowels and stomach ceased to act, my speech was like that of a drunken man Prest. Young called into company with Dr Sprague and laid hands upon me and rebuked the disease and the power of the distroyer which had sceized my body and promised me in the name of the Lord, that I should not die but live to finished my work which was appointed me, upon the Earth. I soon began to recover; the poison and mortification left my body system and centered in my arm, and was drawn from my arm through the aid of charcoal poultices, moistened with a strong decoction of wormwood rag weed and wild sage; the dead flesh was removed from my arm with instruments and lunar caustic and in a few days I was well again. I have occupied considerable space in refering to those peculiar circumstances, which have attended me during life, and to sum the matter up, it stands thus: I have broken both legs, one twice in two ^in two places^, both arms, both ankles, ^dislocated^ my breast bone and three ribs, ^and ^had^ both ankles dislocated^ I have been drown^e^d, froze, scalded, and bit by a mad dog; have been in two water wheels under full head of water; have passed through several severe fits of sickness; & encountered poison in its worst forms; have landed in a pile of rail-road ruins

Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866

: This was a trying day in my life. The poison had so circulated through my system that it was afflicting my whole body seriously. I became so weak that I could not stand


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford rebaptizes family members over the age of 8 (3 wives, 3 children, and "Lamanite" boy Moroni).
Wilford appointed Assistant Church Historian (serves in Historian's Office from 1856 to 1883).
Wilford poisoned while skinning livestock; life saved through priesthood blessings.

Apr 29, 1856