Day in the Life

Apr 30, 1856

Journal Entry

April 30, 1856 ~ Wednesday

30th I spent a sick day. I polticed my Arm through the day it continued to
swell to a great extent & as the poison was drawn into it from my
system it continued to inflame & mortify & it looked as though my
whole body would soon be mortified I continued to poltice my arm
with raw onions Earth & pounded roots which continued to draw
all the impurities iof my body into my Arm the poison that was
drawn out of my arm would blister my flesh like a hot iron when-
ever it touched it the flesh turned black & dead & I could not
draw the poison & mortification out of my Arm by onion or
Earth poltices. So I pounded up some charcoal fine & mad it
wet with the juice of worm wood rag weed & wild sage & put
it onto my Arm as a poltice & it began to take the mortification
poison & swelling out of it I was vary sick & having a hard warfare
between life & death but president Young promised me that I should
live And I act in faith upon that promise in all that I do I feel that
I shall live & not die.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family

Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
I spent a sick day. I poulticed my arm. It continued to swell to a great degree and as the poison was drawn into it from my system it inflamed and mortified and looked as though my whole body would soon be mortified. I continued to poultice my arm with raw onions earth and powdered roots which drew the impurities of my body into it. The poison that was ^ran^ out of my arm would blister my flesh like a hot iron wherever it touched and the flesh would turn black and dead. As the onion and earth poultices were not strong enough to draw the poison and mortification out sufficiently I pounded up some charcoal fine and made it wet with the juice of wormwood ragwood^weed^ and wild sage and put it on my arm as a poultice and it began to take the mortification poison and swelling out of it. I was very sick and having a hard warefare between life and death but President Young promised me that I should live and I act in faith upon that promise in all that I do. I feel that I shall live and not die


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford rebaptizes family members over the age of 8 (3 wives, 3 children, and "Lamanite" boy Moroni).
Wilford appointed Assistant Church Historian (serves in Historian's Office from 1856 to 1883).
Wilford poisoned while skinning livestock; life saved through priesthood blessings.

Apr 30, 1856