Day in the Life

Feb 3, 1858

Journal Entry

February 03, 1858 ~ Wednesday

3rd An arrow The Calafornia Mail arived and brought the presid[en]ts
message which was read in Presidents Young office President
Buchanan recommends a strong force against the Saints and
that 4 new ridgegiments of men be raised against us I spent
the evening in the president's office reading the news of the
day the United States are determined to anhilate the mormons
the war is now An arrow beetween God and the Devil and between
saints & sinners time must determin the contest But
I am sure that God & his friends the Saints will prevail
against the Devil and his hosts what trials and sacrafizes
the Saints may be called to pass through I do not know
but I pray the Lord to give us grace equal to our day


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3471 mentions
Apostle, Family
69 mentions
Historical Figure


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Feb 3, 1858