The Legislative Council metand House of Representative met
at at the Social Hall in Great Salt Lake City at 10 oclok AM.
The council organized by appointing Daniel H. Wells President
Leo Hawkins Chief Clerk Joseph F Smith Serjent at Arms
John L. Smith Assistant Clerk Samuel L Sprage Messenger
The House Organized by Appointeing John Taylor Speaker
Thomas Bullock Chief Clerk George P Bilesings Sergent at Arms
Patrick Linch Assistant Clerk Heber John Richards Messenger
Joseph Busby Foreman, Joseph Young sen Chaplain
Judge Smith came forward & swore the President &
officers in both Houses. Both Houses then adjourned to meet
in the State House in Fillmore on Saturday the 18th of Dec
Both Houses voted to excuse the absent members untill we
met at Fillmore. We made an estimate of the Armey as follows
3000 soldiers remaining in the Territory 800 to origon 400 to Mexico
400 to Levensworth total 4600. Governmt teamsters 3200,
Cotractors teamsters 4930 sutlers & whiskey dealers 1,500
gamblers 170. General Harneys command 2700 total, 17100
14400 came to the Territory Contractors oxes 13 to each 4006
waggons 52078 = 1200 suttlers waggons 12 oxen each 14400
Baggong waggons for Armey 19,200
while the Quorum of the Twelve met in there pray circle
the conversation turned upon the subject of the dictation
of the spirit of God & the great importance of following
the dictation of that spirit in all our lives President
O Hyde said he had often found it difficult to dissern
betwen the dictation of the spirit of the Lord and his
own desires in things which he wished accomplished
O Pratt said that a few days since while praying for
the preservetion of his family it came forcibly to
his mind about taking care of one of his boys who
had broaken one of his arms but he put off the imp-
ression & in less than two hours he broak his arm
again. W. Woodruff said that he had from experien[ce]
learned so much of the leading & dictation of that spirit
that he knew it was good to follow it his life had
been saved from time to time by following its dictates
a short time since he was impressed to go to president
Youngs in the evening he went & when he got there He
found the Quorum of the Twelve assembled And O
Hyde & John Taylor gave an account of their mission
North & He kept a record of it. G. A. Smith said
that while He was on a mission in virginia in 1837
it was manifest to him that He would be appointed
one of the Twelve these thoughts worried him & he
thought it was an evil impression but it afterwords
proved true He also said I had been 3 days in the
snow & cold & was chilled through & while the man
Zimri H Baxter in Nephi City went to take care
of my Horses & Sister Baxeter to get a pan of milk
hI felt impressed to lay hands upon thieir sick child
which they had given over to die I done as the spirit
directed & the child was healed instantly. Elder C. C. Rich
then said while I was going from Los Angelos to
San bernadeno I was strongly impressed to stop at
a certain place over night & next day to leave the main
travelled road which I strictly followed & by doing
so I escaped being robed & Murdered by a gang of 60
assassins div[id]ed in three different companies Elder
John Taylor said it was revealed to him he would be
one of the Twelve F. D. Richards said it was revealed to
him that He would be appointed one of the Twelve
W Woobdruff said it was revealed to him while on
Fox Islands that he would be appointed one of the Twelve
before he got a Letter Notifying him of his appointing
G. A. Smith said that the night after Joseph & Hiram Smith
was murdered A spirit came to me & said Joseph & Hyrum
are killed ant you glad of it I was in Michigan at the
time 500 miles from Carthage. O. Hyde said that the
Lord had revealed to us in many ways that the armey
would come in but our desires was so great that they
should not come that we would not received it
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In speaking of the opposition against this work President Young said I should loose all hope if I did not know that God begun it & begun it in the right time and has sustained it & carried it on ever since and he is able to Finish it & will do it
While the Quorum of the Twelve met in there pray[er] circle the conversation turned upon the subject of the dictation of the spirit of God & the great importance of following the dictation of that spirit in all our lives.
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.