Day in the Life

Nov 11, 1885

Journal Entry

November 11, 1885 ~ Wednesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in the office I saw a Number of
of my family I wrote Letters to


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] The funeral of my wife Phebe was attended to day at the 14 ward school House I saw the procession as it Past the office. I saw the hearse that carried my wife Phebe Whitemore Carter Woodruff to the grave I was not permitted to attend her funeral without being arriested for my religin, & imprisioned for cohabitation with my wives as many others are. she was followed to the grave with 35 carriages. I am passing through a strange Chapter in the history of my life persecution is raging against the Latter Day Saints I am perfectly willing for my wife to lie down & go to sleep & be freed from any for [of] the persecution from the wicked. I hope I may prove true & faithful unto the End that I may meet with her & our friends in the Celestial kingdom of God, and have part in the first Resurrection with the righteous Prophets & Apostles and dwell with them in peace forever
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
11 I spent the day in the office I saw a Number of the family & other visitors Orion called upon me & spent the night with me


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Nov 11, 1885