Nov 10th 1885
Phebe Whitemore Carter Woodruff
was born March 8th, 1807 In Scarboro Maine
Died in Salt Lake City Utah Nov. 10 1885
Aged 78 years 8 months & 2 days
Blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord
Sleep on my Dear Phebe, But Ere long from this
The conqured Tomb shall yield its captive prey,
Then with thy Husband, children, friends, & Prophets & Apostles
Thou shalt reign in Bliss,
As wife, friQueen, Mother, and Saint to an Eternal Day
Wilford Woodruff
The Parents of Phebe W Woodruff were
Ezra and Sarah Fabyan Carter. Ezra Carter
was 96 years of age when he died. Sarah F Carter
was about 70 when she died Both were baptized
Thus My wife Phebe Ends Her Earthly Mission
She has gone to meet her Fathers, Mothers, Children,
Prophets, Apostles, Saints & Friends in the spirit world
This was a serio[u]s day word came to me this mor-
ning of the Death of my wife Phebe it was a trying
time to her children I telegraphed to Phebe & Sarah
I wrote ^5^ Letters to Susan, Leslie Shuah C. Moulton
Ezra Scammans Ilus F Carter The Loard ^Lord^ has
born me up in this Affliction in a wonderful
Manner. I pray God to still sustain me many of
the family called upon ^me^ & I had much writing & Business
to attend to I spent the night in the office
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] The funeral of my wife Phebe was attended to day at the 14 ward school House I saw the procession as it Past the office. I saw the hearse that carried my wife Phebe Whitemore Carter Woodruff to the grave I was not permitted to attend her funeral without being arriested for my religin, & imprisioned for cohabitation with my wives as many others are. she was followed to the grave with 35 carriages. I am passing through a strange Chapter in the history of my life persecution is raging against the Latter Day Saints I am perfectly willing for my wife to lie down & go to sleep & be freed from any for [of] the persecution from the wicked. I hope I may prove true & faithful unto the End that I may meet with her & our friends in the Celestial kingdom of God, and have part in the first Resurrection with the righteous Prophets & Apostles and dwell with them in peace forever
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