Day in the Life

May 16, 1892

Journal Entry

May 16, 1892 ~ Monday

16 I went to the office & Many of the company
who attended the Tabernacle yesterday called at the
office this morning to pay their respects to me
and pronounced themselves much pleased with their
reception by the Latter day Saints I had a sick night
sore throat & was on the sick list


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Letter from Thomas Jefferson Patten Sr., 16 May 1892

President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Having arrranged with Brother L. A. Wilson, my son-in-law, to write a biography of my uncle, David W. Patten, this is to introduce him to you for any direction or assistance in the work it may be your pleasure to give him. Your Brother in the Gospel, T. J. Patten.

Letter from Anton Nielson, 16 May 1892

Huntington Emery Co . My Dear Bro. Pres Wilford Woodruff. I receved your letter to day and the contents considered I fell well in the Gosple I fell it a duty as well as a pleasure to go an laber to help the cause we are ingag in. in my week way. as my coll direct my labor's to the Southern States if it meets your mind as I have no particular choise to make I would as soon go to Denmark for that is the plase of my birth if this meets your mind an not to intrude on your valuable time let me here from you asso sI can prepare myself for the same I ever hold myself in rednews an subjet to the call of the Priesthood your brother in the Gosple Anton. Nielson. Peter Johnson Bishop Let him be changed to Denmark. J. F. S.

Epistle to the Saints, 16 May 1892

MONDAY, . LETTER FROM THE FIRST PRESIDENCY. To the Latter-day Saints in Zion and throughout the world: Beloved Brethren and Sisters—A little over two years ago we were im- pressed to call upon the Latter-day Saints to set apart a day for fasting and solemn prayer unto the Lord. Our position at that time was such that it seemed as though no earthly power could deliver us from the evil which environed us and which threatened our overthrow. Turn which way we would, every avenue seemed closed against us. Human help was beyond our reach. Our eyes and hearts under those circumstances turned to the Lord as the only power to which we could appeal for succor. Do we say too much when we testify that the Lord did on that occasion con- descend to hear and answer the supplication of His people? Their humiliation before Him was not without its fruits. If the objects which were suggested in our circular letter at that time to be prayed for be examined, the results will show how wonderfully the Lord has granted the prayers of His people. In view of this, and the great mercy shown unto us by our Father in heaven in permitting us, at our recent General Conference, to lay the top- stone of the Salt Lake Temple with shouts of Hosanna to God and the Lamb, Doctrine and Covenants 109:79 it has suggested itself to us that it would be most appropriate for the Latter-day Saints to gather in their various places of worship, on Sunday, the first day of May, 1892, and in fasting and prayer offer up to the Most High their heartfelt and solemn thanksgivings for His goodness and mercy which He has shown unto them, and the deliverance that He has wrought out in their behalf. Surely no people have greater cause for thanksgiving and praise than have the Latter-day Saints throughout these mountains. And as we can- not have occasion for thanksgiving because of deliverance wrought out for us without our brethren and sisters in other lands sharing in our joy, it is proper that they, too, should select a day, as may be suitable and con- venient to them, in like manner to fast and pray and offer up their grati- tude and thanks to the Great Creator for the blessings He has bestowed upon His people. We have decided to select Sunday for that purpose, because it can meet

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To O Beebe $5 freight $1.20 6 20

May 16, 1892