Day in the Life

May 17, 1892

Journal Entry

May 17, 1892 ~ Tuesday

17. I went to the office was sick I met with several sisters
concerning the Mutual improvement Association

I met with the board of Z.C.M.I. & many visitors
but went home Early


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Letter from William Derby Johnson Jr., 17 May 1892
Colonia Diaz, . President Wilford Woodruff and Councillors George Q Cannon & Jos F Smith. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: In talking with Bro E M Curtis who has Just returned from Utah, I find you do not understand our situation here. In February last in connection with Apostle George Teasdale, I wrote you asking for help in shape of flour &c, as a loan, as some of the saints of this Ward were short of bread stuff and would suffer if not aided. This condition was brought about by the severe drought of last year which destroyed our crops. The brethren many of them afterwards work- ed on the R R and did not get their pay. This last spring has been an unusual one. Cold, dry and windy. We had a fine prospect for fruit suf- ficient to supply us & some to spare, but frost has killed it. There was no grass last on a/c of drought so we have lost about 1/2 our stock still there are plenty of cattle here now but to poor to kill for beef so that most

May 17, 1892