Day in the Life

May 18, 1892

Journal Entry

May 18, 1892 ~ Wednesday

18 I went to the office & Met with Mr Clark &
talked upon our linage of Woodruffs & Clark.
I met with Rev. [blank] And his daughter
& conversed upon Utah Affairs


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Letter from George Goddard, 18 May 1892
No 1 Goddards Court E. 2nd South Salt Lake City May 18, 1892 {The contents of this letter were discussed in the presence of George} Goddard {and Brother Lyman and the presidency; the mind of the brethren was not to give any pledge there.} Prest W. Woodruff & Council My dear Brethren. The near completion of our Temple The rapidity & importance of passing events, and more especially the growing habit of using Tobacco and intoxicating drinks by the youth of Israel, have borne with considerable weight upon my mind, until a settled conviction has forced itself upon me, that some special effort was needed at the present time, as a check and preservation from this dreadful condition. I firmly believe that the inaugeration of a Latter day saint Temperance Society would produce a wonderful reformation not only amongst the youth, but thedadult portion of our community. The "Word of wisdom" has been preached so long, until it has actually become distasteful to many.
Letter from John Moss Lewis, 18 May 1892
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Utah. Dear Bro: I contemplate making a visit to the eastern & perhaps southern states visiting relatives and hunting up genealogies. As I hope to be able to do some proselyting I would aksk the privelige of being set apart and the benefit of any reduced rate of fare on the R R that may be allowed our missionaries. I wish to start from here. Any priviliges that may be given will be duly appreciated by your Bro in the Gospel John M Lewis
Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 18 May 1892
Rexburg Idaho, Prest. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Our quarterly conference was held Sunday and Monday 15th and 16th inst. We had the largest attendance of any conference ever held. The people are enjoying good health and prospering both spiritually and temporally. There was a good spirit prevailed at our meetings and the Bishops report that the Saints feel obligated generally to assist in all that is required of them. With kind regards I remain Your Brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks

May 18, 1892