Day in the Life

Jan 4, 1893

Journal Entry

January 04, 1893 ~ Wednesday

4th I met at the office Wm H Colson who presented us
with the views furnished for furnishing the Temple
from the firm of Tiffiny & Co for us to decide upon
we met with the Bank Board and transacted all necessary
Business. The board of the University of the Church met
Sister J M Grant died at 6:30 on the 3rd Jan /[18]93


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Letter from Gottfried Eschler, 4 January 1893
Logan . President Wilford Woodruff. Dier Brother, I recieved your Call for a Mission to the Northern States and in reply will say: That I feel like going if in some shape or other I can get off. I have been called before and honurable released It was ^called^ to Swztzerland and Germany befor and now to the Northern States which suits me better on acount of it not taken so much money in my Opinion. I am a poor man with two Wifes and 5 Childern and about 350 Dollars in debt. I have Stock and horses to cover my debts, 2 or 3 times over, but wether I can fix everything satiesfactory befor that time I canot say yet. with the Lords help I might do more that what looks hardly possible. I owe Z.C.M.I. Logan $112.00 Cash. Oct 1st1893. I owe Mrs Schettler Logan 10000 Cash Mar 26, 1893 I owe to John Bauman for wintering 27 head of yearling Heifers about 9000. besides other small debt that I will not mention. I opened up a New Restuaurant here in Logan with the above bowrowed money ^and Credit^ and I am doing a fair Business, but I am trying to sell out and settle up everything and go on my Mission unless you advise me otherwise. I feel a though I would not like to miss this chance and if it should be impossible for me to sell something
Letter from Dan Weggeland, 7 January 1893
To the Presidency, Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith, Dear brethren; We the under- signed respectfully submit the sum of Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($17,500) as the price to be paid us for the painting of the gGarden and World according to the designes submitted subject to your approval. Respecty, Signed Dan Weggeland John Hafen. Lorus Pratt J.B. Fairbanks Edwin Evans


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Jan 4, 1893