Day in the Life

Jan 5, 1893

Journal Entry

January 05, 1893 ~ Thursday

5 {I had a vision last night} I met Mr Lamborn this morning upon
the subject of the Painting of Adam Ondi Ahman
we met with George Taylor who represented the state of
the first National Bank of Provo. The Amnesty from
President Harrison Appears in the Papers this Morning
Herrald but it is of Little benefit to the People we had
a Meeting with President Shirtliff about the Standard in Ogden


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Letter from James Frederick Woodman, 5 January 1893

Salt Lake City, Utah, W. Woodruff, Esq., Prest. Zion's Saving & Trust Co. Dear Sir: The G. S. L. & H. S. Ry. Co., has determined to extend its line east to the Chalk Creek and Grass Creek coal fields, (near Coalville) with a branch to Ogden—also south to the smelters, and west to Deep Creek mining regions. For that purpose, we are negotiating for funds with parties in Europe. These parties desire the opinions of leading bankers and financiers of this City, concerning the present status of this Company, the prospects and stability of the proposed extensions. Will you kindly, therefore, favor me with your views, and also give your opinion of the commercial standing of the officers and directors of this Company, viz Jas. F. Woodman, Prest. O. J. Salisbury, Vice Prest. John Beck, Josiah Barnett, Hon. J. L. Rawlins, Hon. David Stoker, J. J. Daly. Very Respectfully J. F. Woodman

Letter to Albert Arrowsmith, 5 January 1893

Salt Lake City, . Elder Albert Arrowsmith, Payson. Dear Brother: Your name has been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Great Britain. The work of the Lord is progressing in the nations, and faithful, energetic Elders are needed in the ministry to promulgate the everlasting Gospel, openings for doing good appearing in numerous directions. Yourself, with others, having been selected for this mission, should there be no reasonable obstacles to hinder you from going, we would be pleased to have you make your arrangements to start from this City at as early a date as March 10th, 1894. Please let us know, at your earliest convenience, what your feelings are with regard to this call. If you accept it you will receive no further notifcation, but will be expected to present yourself at the Historian's Office to be set apart on the day previous to that appointed for your departure. Your Brother in the Gospel, Wilford Woodruff P. S. Please have your Bishop endorse your answer.

Letter from John Bauman Schiess, 5 January 1893

Logan, Utah. In reply to yours of Prasident Wilford Woodruff, DeaSalt Lake City! Dear Brother! Your Letter dated Dec. 31 [18]92, in wich I was called as a Missionary to Switzerland or Germany, has come to hand, to wich I will reply as followed! My circumstances are in deed not very favorable to go as early as Feb. 25 [18]93, as I am poor, without a home, without means, but I am willing and on hand to make myself ready as quick as possible. I would like to ask for a few months time, to provide for me as well, as for my family. I shall be glad to be ones more a messenger of Salvation to my Kindred and friends, and to bear my Testa- money of ^the^ Gospel to them. Asking God to bless you I remain your Brother in Christ John Schiess, Logan Ut. B M Lewis Bp Let him have what time he needs, And he can report when prepared to go. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Nailors shoe Bill 2 Sundrie's $25, Nailore shoe Bill 4.50 29 50

Letter from Ulrich Shiess, 5 January 1893

Manti, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. Your letter of Dec 31st was received; and in reply will say I am willing to go to my native land in magni- fying my calling in preaching the Gospel, will therefore by the help of God, be on hand, to start February 25th 1893. Acording to request, Your brother in the gospel, Ulrich Shiess. Hans Jensen Bishop All right. J. F. S.


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Jan 5, 1893