Day in the Life

Apr 7, 1893

Journal Entry

April 07, 1893 ~ Friday

7 We held three Meeting in the Temple on the 7 April
forenoon Afternoon & Evening the Power of God was
with us. The first Presidency occupied most of the time


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April 6 1893 I attended the Dedication of the Temple the spirit & Power of God rested upon us the spirit of Prophesy & Revelation was upon us & the Hearts of the People were Melted and many thing wer unfolded to us
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1893-04-07
of Friday, , at the Dedication Services. "I do not hesitate a moment to tell this congregation this morning what the Lord told me last night in regard to these ceremonies we are performing in this House. If the Vail was lifted from our eyes we could see the Prophets Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and John Taylor, and with others, they have gathered together all the Saints who have lived on this earth in this dispensation, and who have gone into the Spirit world, and and we could also see Nephi and those who are with him, that have gathered the Nephites together, and we would also see the Lord and Savior Jesus


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Apr 7, 1893