Day in the Life

Apr 6, 1893

Journal Entry

April 06, 1893 ~ Thursday

6 Keys crossed A crown The dedication of the Temple commencd inat the
10 oclock near 3000 Assembled at the upper room


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Letter from Allen Green Campbell and Wife, 6 April 1893

April the sixth Eighteen ninty three.

Letter from Benjamin Hampton, 6 April 1893

Salt Lake City, . The First Presidency of The Church Presidents Office Gentlemen Permit me to thank you most cordially on behalf of myself and family, for the privelege given us yesterday to visit the Temple words can scarcely express our sincere gratitude for so unexpected a pleasure. very sincerely yours Benj Hampton

Letter from Oliver Samuel Ford, 6 April 1893

Chicago President Woodruff of the latter day Saints Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Sir, I am making a Collection of Autographs, of some of the prominent men of our times, & would be pleased to rec yours to Add to my Collection. Hoping to rec the Same at an Early day. I am yours &c. O. S. Ford Will you will please give Date & Add Some motto of your own & oblige &c. O. S. F.

Temple - Salt Lake Temple dedication ticket, 6 April 1893

Thursday, April 6th, 1893. W Woodruff.

Letter from E. L., 6 April 1893

Provo City, Utah. . President Woodruft Dear Sir. As a friend I take the liberty to write a few lines to you hoping that you will profit by it. I am a spiritulies Medium and often talk with Brigham Young and other good friends, and as they ask me to write and to you and tell you to guard the Temple very closely on the last day of dedication as there is some one intending to distroy it on that the day. Put your guard on the nNorth and eEast side of Temple outside of fence. I send you as a friend and nothing else and hoping that these lines will arrive in time I remain Yours E. L.

Temple - Salt Lake Temple Dedication Ticket, 6 April 1893

Morning Session Signed in print by President Wilford Woodruff. SALT LAKE TEMPLE DEDICATION SERVICES. ADMIT ONE Thursday, April 6th, 1893. MORNING SESSION. W. Woodruff

Discourse 1893-04-06


Letter from Andrew Kimball, 6 April 1893

To . To the First Presidency Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren: Immediately following our last report, Oct. 15th and 16th in- clusive, the Elders and Saints assem- bled at Manard and held our first Indian Territory conference. There were present ten Elders from Utah and Idaho and one local Elder, a goodly number of Saints and friends and many inquisit- ive visiters, Not being present my- self I addressed a few words of council and instructions to the Elders and saints. Sunday the 16th Presiding Elder H. M. Rawlins offered the dedicatory prayer; during our entire conference the spirit of council of testimony and thanksgivings prevailed; this indeed was a glori- ous privilege, one long looked for, and much appreciated by Elders and saints and our warm-hearted friends who have long desired that day when the Latter day Saints would be more

Letter from Mary Jane Thompson, 6 April 1893

Rec'd & receipted for. [end of sideways text] Salt Lake City April 6th 1893 To the First Presidency of the church Dear Brethren: I desire this morning, tender an offering for the Temple of the Lord as a token that I feel at peace with all my brethren and Sisters and with all mankind. Please to accept the enclosed small offering of $2000 Your humble Sister with much respect Mary Jane Thompson

Letter from Mazey K. Thompson, circa 6 April 1893

Rec'd And receipted for [end of sideways text] To the first Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Dear Brethren having been deeply impressed deering the least night that I should take with me Today a small offering to the Temple to be called a Peace offering as a testimony that I am at Peace (20 $) with all my Brethren and sisters and with all the World if by making this little circumstance public some others who had not been reminded of it in the delightful manner that I have been which had such a delightful manner on my Body as well as my sperit respectfully Mazey K. Thompson

Letter from Lyde Wells, 6 April 1893

Letter from Lyde Wells, 6 April 1893

To the First Presidency of the Church, Dear Friends, I sincerely thank you for granting me the great favor of visiting the beautiful Temple. To say that my heart was filled with strange emotions, as I walked through the stately rooms every apparrtment of which is so dear to the very heart of Utah, is but a mild term. I was indeed enchanted. Nobody can more earnestly invoke the best and

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


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Apr 6, 1893