Day in the Life

Feb 9, 1898

Journal Entry

February 09, 1898 ~ Wednesday

Wed Feb 9th At the office today. Attended a meeting of the Directors of
the Deseret Telegraph Company, at 3 pm. appointed Bro Chas H Wilcken
assistant Sup[erintenden]t of the Company. Went home at 4 pm


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Letter from Joseph Nelson, 9 February 1898

Mantua, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother, I received a notification from you concerning myself as a mis- sionary to Scandinavia. You request that I appear May 7, 1898 prepared to start on that date for my field of labor. With the permission and help of the Lord, I will be ready to start on that day. Your brother in the Gospel Joseph Nelson Peter C Jensen Bp

Letter from Joseph Mount Taylor, 9 February 1898

Levan, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Your call for me as a Missionary to Montana, is at hand, and will say that I am ready to start at any date you may deam proper. Awaiting farther notification from you I Remain Your Brother in the Gospel Mount Taylor. N. P. Rasmussen. Bp. Levan.

Letter from Daniel T. Miller, 9 February 1898

Papeete Tahiti . To the First Presidency Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: I send by this mail a statistical report for the year ending Dec 31, 1896. But it is not complete. In as much as there is nothing on file here to make base a report upon and as the reports required of the branch clerks do not cover many of the points called for in the blanks sent me I would judge that it is the first report of the kind called for from the mission here. I have translated the blank and shall ^endeavor^ to get a complete and correct roport for the year ending Dec 31 1897 at as early a date as possible. Owing to the very poor communication we have here it shall al- ways be later in the following year before a

Letter from James Ephraim Steele, 9 February 1898

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Ut Dear Bro— The enclosed check for $500 is to replace that Amount Borrowed by Elder Ben E. Rich. At the time he was to attend that disscussion in our stake Bro Rich stated, he Borrowed this amount. And we felt to replace it. Your Bro & Co Labor Jas E. Steele

Letter from Peter Julius Peterson, 9 February 1898

Moroni Elder Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In Anser to Your Letter of Jany 26 i will say that i Will accept the call and bey the Hellp of the Lord i will be Prepared to start on the Day appointed alldough at Pressent i do not know where the Money is comming from to fit me out an to Take me to my feld of labor but i have the Faith that the Lord do not requirer eny thing of eny of his Servants but that he will Prepare the way for them to fullfill it and i ask and entrust in Your Prayr to the Lord in my behaff i remen Your Brother in the Gospel Peter Julius Peterson J. W. Irons Bp

Circular to the Stake Presidents, 9 February 1898

P. O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah, To the Presidents of Stakes throughout Zion, Dear Brethren: The requests for more missionaries made by the Presidents of the various missionary fields, especially in the United States, are increasing so rapidly and growing so pressing that we have thought it well to make a further requisition upon the various Stakes of Zion. This we now do; asking the Stake Presidencies to send us with as little delay as possible the names of as many brethren as they consistently can. As a rule brethren over 45 years of age are not able to satis- factorily endure the trails and vicissitudes of missionary life, but, on the other hand, there are robust, well preserved brethren to be found among us who can do so for a number of years later. In making these selections we shall trust to your good judgment, and that you will seek the promptings and guidance of the Spirit of God. With this we enclosed blank forms for your use in sending in your lists of brethren suggested for these labors. Your Brethren in the New and Everlasting Covenant. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith

Letter from William H. Wilkison, 9 February 1898

De Lamar Nevada, . Honorable President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Sir: It is now that I regret I answered your call with out considering the negative side of the question, and after so considering I have come to the conclusion not to unite my- self any farther with any Religious Demonshion untill I know for my self what I am doing and that it is right; so, trustind that my place will be filled with some one else with out delaying the work, I will recline. Yours Truly Wm. H. Wilkison. I presume we will have to accept his "reclination" (declination) as we have no choice in the matter. I would be ple- ased for the one who recommended him the informed of his declination J. F. S.

Feb 9, 1898