Day in the Life

Feb 10, 1898

Journal Entry

February 10, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thur Feb 10. At the office, attended my usual meeting at the Temple
am feeling much better of myself. Re[ceive]d letter from M. went home at 330 pm


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Letter from Albert Kirby, 10 February 1898

Hyde Park, Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Yours of the 7th. received, I am willing to accept the call upon a mission and will be present at the time appointed. Respectfully Albert Kirby Hyde Park, Utah, February 10th. 1898. I am pleased to endorse the call of Brother Albert Kirby upon a mission to the States, Hhe is a good young man and we think will make a good missionary. Very Truly Yours Chas. G. Hyde, Bishop.

Letter from William Jackson, 10 February 1898

Manassa Colo President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 4th came to hand. My feeling are that I willingly accept the call. I am willing to do all that I can for the cause of truth. will be ready to start at the appointed time. (March 3rd) Yours Respectfully William Jackson

Letter from Andrew Smith Jr., 10 February 1898

First Presidency. of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints. Beloved Brethren: I write you a few lines that you may learn of the safe arrival of Elders Frederick E. Barker and Charles D. Fox, on the 6th inst. When they came to Sydney. On account of the missunderstanding of the arrival of the S. S. Miawerra, they had no one to meet them either by person or letter. aAlthough I received no word of their coming still I was impressed there might be some one or more. Elder Barker did not realize any effect of sea sickness, but elder Fox was very bad at times and gave elder Barker to understand that if the rough weather continued much longer he was afraid he could not stand it but he looks all ightalright, and although he was so bad, we had a hearty laugh after it was all over and the pittiful story was related to us. There does not seem to be much sympathy extended to sea sick persons, as very few die, but the reverse they seem to get so that many, at least, are better able to enjoy their meals than before the ordeal they are called to pass t[h]rough.

Letter from John Freeland Turner, 10 February 1898

Pinegar, Tenn., Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Pres: It is with pleasure that I have the privilige of writeing to the Pres. of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. Thes few lines leaves us all well as common, & I hope when thes few lines comes to hand they will find you well and enjoying yourself. On Jan 16 [18]98, I had a fine boy bornd unto me and we have named it Taylor Woodruff after you and Pres. Taylor. If any of his sons is close to you will you please tell them of the affair. I have read your journal and I appreciate it verry much. I was baptised nearly 3 years ago and I know the doctrine that is advocated by the L.D.S. is of God.


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Feb 10, 1898